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HPTLC Fingerprint of Ginkgo biloba flavonoids

This case study method demonstrates how Ginkgo biloba extracts can be rapidly identified by HPTLC based on their flavonoid fingerprint.


In recent years, the need for quality assurance tools to ensure the identity, purity, and quality of botanical material has risen dramatically. HPTLC has emerged as a versatile, high throughput, and cost-effective technology, that is uniquely suited to meet these requirements. According to the regulation of e.g. United States Pharmacopeia (USP 37, Monograph), Ginkgo leaf and Ginkgo extracts are identified by HPTLC. Our case study method demonstrates how Ginkgo biloba extracts can be rapidly identified by HPTLC based on their flavonoid fingerprint.


Most separation techniques do not allow parallel analysis of numerous samples at the same time and they often face problems in separating complex mixtures of substances. However, visual evaluation of HPTLC plates allows for convenient comparison of many samples side by side, where similarities and differences can clearly be seen. Quantification of the separated compounds is possible by densitometry using our TLC Scanner 4.

Description of the procedure documentation

Ginkgo leaves, Ginkgo extracts and the standards are prepared according to CAMAG’s standardized method (F-16B.1). All parameters (conditions for sample application,chromatogram development, evaluation) are logged into the vision CATS software which controls all major CAMAG instruments needed for the HPTLC analysis. The samples and standards are applied bandwise on a HPTLC plate using the ATS 4 which guarantees for precise and reliable application. Then the HPTLC plate is developed under standardized conditions in a saturated chamber using the ADC 2. The ADC 2 is unsurpassed for reproducibility and universal applicability in HPTLC. The developed HPTLC plate is evaluated and documented by the TLC Visualizer in three modes, white light, UV 254 nm and UV 366 nm. By the use of HPTLC plates containing a fluorescence indicator, all analytes which absorb UV 254 nm can be detected prior to derivatization. Derivatization increases the specificity and selectivity of the method. For the analysis of flavonoids the plate is dipped in “Natural Products” reagent and a solution of PEG 400 and evaluated by the TLC Visualizer under UV 366 nm.

  • img1


    Images of two HPTLC plates with separated Ginkgo flavonoids (images generated using the TLC Visualizer and UV 366 nm). The conditions during all HPTLC steps were identical and show the same results.

  • img2


    Images of two HPTLC plates with separated Ginkgo flavonoids (images generated using the TLC Visualizer and UV 366 nm). The conditions during all HPTLC steps were identical and show the same results.

1 Rutin (Standard)
2 Ginkgo leaf extract (*BRM)
3 Ginkgo leaf extract
4 Ginkgo leaf extract
5 Ginkgo leaf extract mixed with green tea (additional blue bands in the upper zone of the chromatogram)
6 Ginkgo leaf extract mixed with cellulose (less intensity of all flavonoids)
7 Ginkgo leaf (additional bands due to extracted chlorophylls)

Benefits of using modern HPTLC for the analysis of herbal medicines and botanical dietary supplements

  • Several samples can be visually analyzed in parallel. The TLC Visualizer in combination with the visionCATS software features easy comparison and rearrangement of HPTLC fingerprints of samples from the same as well as from different plates. This helps to assess differences in the fingerprint patterns of different samples and over time which is useful for long-term and stability studies of raw materials and finished products. Furthermore adulterated samples are reliably identified.
  • The quality of raw materials is rapidly and easily determined by HPTLC. For the identification of herbal drugs and other naturally derived materials standardized HPTLC is the method of choice and recommended by pharmacopoeias worldwide.
  • In this case study the identity of different Ginkgo biloba samples were either confirmed, or not, by comparison of their HPTLC fingerprint with those of a “Botanical Reference Material” (BRM) of Ginkgo biloba. With chemical reference standards and measurement by the TLC Scanner cut-off values can be established for limit tests and quantification of single marker compound is possible.

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Quantification of ginkgolides and bilobalide by HPTLC

In addition to the identification, this case study demonstrates how ginkgolides and bilobalide in Ginkgo biloba extracts can be quantified by HPTLC.


HPTLC is the only single test that allows for 100% botanical ingredient identification. HPTLC is the primary chemical test for identification of all pharmacopoeia monographs on botanicals. According corresponding monographs of USP, PhEur and AHP on Ginkgo leaf and Ginkgo leaf extract are identified by HPTLC based on fingerprints of flavonoids. In addition to the identification, our case study method demonstrates how ginkgolides and bilobalide in Ginkgo biloba extracts can be quantified by HPTLC.


Most techniques can address identification only in part. They either are limited to plant parts (microscopy), have difficulties with natural variability of botanical materials (IR techniques), or focus on quantitative comparison of separated markers (HPLC). All other techniques lack the versatility and flexibility of HPTLC for the analysis of botanicals. HPTLC allows for convenient comparison of many samples side by side, where similarities and differences can be clearly seen. Quantification of the separated compounds is possible by densitometry using our TLC Scanner 4.

Description of the procedure documentation

Ginkgo extracts and the standards are prepared according to CAMAG’s standardized method (A-92.1). The HPTLC plate is impregnated with sodium acetate. All parameters (conditions for sample application, chromatogram development, and evaluation) are logged into the winCATS software which controls all major CAMAG instruments needed for the HPTLC analysis. The samples and standards are applied bandwise on the impregnated HPTLC plate using the ATS 4, which guarantees precise and reliable application. Then the HPTLC plate is developed under standardized conditions in a saturated chamber using the ADC 2. The ADC 2 is unsurpassed for reproducibility since all developing parameters are controlled from plate to plate, regardless of environment. The developed HPTLC plate is evaluated and documented by the TLC Visualizer in three modes, white light, UV 254 nm, and UV 366 nm. By the use of HPTLC plates containing a fluorescence indicator, all analytes which absorb UV 254 nm can be detected prior to derivatization. Derivatization increases the specificity and selectivity of the method. For the analysis of ginkgolides and bilobalide in Ginkgo extracts the plate is sprayed evenly with acetic anhydride, heated at 180°C, and documented by the TLC Visualizer under UV 366 nm. For quantification each track is scanned in absorption at 300 nm with the TLC Scanner 4.

  • Standard mix: 1, 2, 5, 7 and 10 μL applied (image after derivatization, under UV 366 nm)


    Standard mix: 1, 2, 5, 7 and 10 μL applied (image after derivatization, under UV 366 nm)

  • Calibration curve of ginkgolide B (pink: standards, turquoise: samples, r=0.9998, sdv: 1.56%


    Calibration curve of ginkgolide B (pink: standards, turquoise: samples, r=0.9998, sdv: 1.56%

  • Chromatogram of the separated standards (ginkoglide C, ginkoglide B, ginkoglide A, and bilobalide with increasing Rf value, 5 μL applied)


    Chromatogram of the separated standards (ginkoglide C, ginkoglide B, ginkoglide A, and bilobalide with increasing RF value, 5 μL applied)

  • Chromatogram of the adulterated sample (Ginkgo leaf extract mixed with cellulose, 5 μL applied)


    Chromatogram of the adulterated sample (Ginkgo leaf extract mixed with cellulose, 5 μL applied)

1 Ginkgo leaf extract (*BRM), 5 µL
2 Standard mix (bilobalide, ginkgolides A, B, and C), 1 µL
3 Ginkgo leaf extract, 5 µL
4 Standard mix (bilobalide, ginkgolides A, B, and C), 2 µL
5 Ginkgo leaf extract, 5 µL
6 Standard mix (bilobalide, ginkgolides A, B, and C), 5 µL
7 Ginkgo leaf extract mixed with green tea (additional blue bands in the upper zone of the chromatogram), 5 µL
8 Standard mix (bilobalide, ginkgolides A, B, and C), 7 µL
9 Ginkgo leaf extract mixed with cellulose (less intensity of all flavonoids), 5 µL
10 Standard mix (bilobalide, ginkgolides A, B, and C), 10 µL

Benefits of using modern HPTLC for the analysis of herbal medicines and botanical dietary supplements

  • HPTLC shows visually the similarities and differences between samples and references.
  • For the identification of herbal drugs and other naturally derived materials standardized HPTLC is the method of choice and recommended by pharmacopoeias worldwide.
  • By using internal or external chemical reference standards and the TLC Scanner 4 marker compounds can be quantified precisely.
  • HPTLC can also be used for assays (potency), purity (adulteration), and stability studies (shelf life).
  • The whole sample is detectable on the plate and allows to judge all components of the sample even if components remain at the application zone.
  • Following separation and localization of target zones by non-destructive detection analytes can be directly eluted from the plates with the TLC-MS Interface and identified by hyphenated techniques (e.g. MS, NIR, NMR).

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In-process control during chemical synthesis of ergoline psychedelics by HPTLC

This HPTLC case study demonstrates a rapid way of in-process control during chemical synthesis.


HPTLC is a powerful technique enabling high sample throughput capacity, short analysis time, and low operating costs. Our case study demonstrates a rapid way of in-process control during chemical synthesis.


Commonly used chromatographic techniques require a time- and cost-intensive sample preparation step. In many cases HPTLC allows one to analyze several samples side-by-side with little to no sample preparation. The progress of a reaction during a chemical synthesis and of purification can easily be monitored by comparing samples on the same plate side-by-side.

Description of the procedure and documentation

All samples are directly applied from each step of the chemical synthesis without sample preparation on an HPTLC plate (silica gel 60 F254). The visionCATS method file is opened and executed, creating a new analysis file. In this visionCATS analysis file the sequence table is completed (Vial ID, description of samples and references, and selection of the rack position of each vial). An image of the clean plate under UV 254 nm is captured with the TLC Visualizer. The samples and standards are applied bandwise onto the HPTLC plate using the Automatic TLC Sampler 4 (ATS 4), which guarantees precise and reliable application. Then the HPTLC plate is developed using the Automatic Developing Chamber 2 (ADC 2) allowing for reproducibility between plates. For visualization the plate is documented with the TLC Visualizer under UV 254 nm and UV 366 nm. Spectra from 200 to 500 nm are recorded with the TLC Scanner 4 and visionCATS. The purified product zone of interest is eluted with the TLC-MS Interface 2 and confirmed by HPTLC-MS.

  • img1


    Synthesis of ergoline psychedelics: In a first step the lysergic acid (LysS) is produced with ergotamine as the starting material. Then the formation of the amide takes place, with e.g. LSP (Lysergic acid 3-pentyl amide) as finished product.

  • img2


    Images of the results: Chromatogram under UV 254 and UV 366 nm, UV spectra and mass spectra of LSP (finished product)

Benefits of using modern HPTLC for the analysis of drugs

    • HPTLC is suitable as a high throughput and low cost technique for the analysis of drugs.
    • HPTLC is used for determination of purity and for stability studies (shelf life).
    • HPTLC allows the separation of several samples in parallel on one plate and is therefore excellently suited for process monitoring.
    • HPTLC visualizes the similarities and differences between samples at a glance on a plate (e.g. to monitor up- and downscaling processes) and by using the software visionCATS to even compare between plates created years apart.
    • HPTLC-MS is a fast way for substance confirmation.

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    Determination of monoacylglycerides in biodiesel

    This case study demonstrates a reliable characterization of impurities in biodiesel (according to UNE EN 14214:2013) and additionally presents the concept for identity confirmation of monoacylglycerides by mass spectrometry, which allows for origin identification.


    HPTLC is a powerful technique with high sample throughput capacity, short analysis time, and low running costs. This case study demonstrates a reliable characterization of impurities in biodiesel (according to UNE EN 14214:2013) and additionally presents the concept for identity confirmation of monoacylglycerides by mass spectrometry, which allows for origin identification (e.g. vegetable, animal, waste cooking oil).


    Often chromatographic techniques require time- and cost-intensive sample preparation steps. However, in many cases HPTLC allows to analyze samples after a minimal sample preparation (e.g. dissolving) in combination with the separation of several samples side by side on the same plate. Quantification of the separated compounds is possible by densitometry using the CAMAG TLC Scanner. In addition, the identity can be proven by eluting the spot of interest using the CAMAG TLC-MS Interface and coupling it to any commercially available mass spectrometer.

    Description of the procedure and documentation

    Sample and standard preparation are performed according to Cebolla et al. (CBS 114, p. 5-7). All parameters (conditions for sample application, chromatogram development, and evaluation) are logged into the winCATS software, which controls all major CAMAG instruments required for the HPTLC analysis. The samples and standards are applied band-wise onto the HPTLC plate using the ATS 4, which guarantees precise and reliable application. Then the HPTLC plate is developed using the AMD 2. For the analysis of monoacylglycerides the developed plate is dipped into primuline reagent. For quantification each track is scanned in fluorescence mode at 366/>400 nm with the TLC Scanner and evaluated with winCATS software. If further investigations of separated sample components are of interest, their eluted zones can be analyzed with other techniques like MS, NIR, and NMR (off-line hyphenation).

    • Densitogram comparison of B5 (red) and B20 (blue)


      Densitogram comparison of B5 (red) and B20 (blue), both 5000 μg/band: monoacylglyceride bands at 16 mm were eluted via the TLC-MS Interface into the ESI-MS

    • Polynomial calibration curve of the 1-oleoyl glycerol standard


      Polynomial calibration curve of the 1-oleoyl glycerol standard (y = -0.070 x2 + 1.077 x + 0.006; r2= 0.999)

    • HPTLC-MS full scan mass spectrum of monoacylglycerol zone


      Online monitoring of the purification process by LC-UV (254 nm, left) versus offline by HPTLC-UV (individual fractions at 254 nm, right)

    Benefits of using modern HPTLC for industrial applications

      • HPTLC can be used as high throughput and low-cost technique for a broad variety of analytical tasks in industrial applications settings.
      • By using internal or external chemical reference standards compounds can be quantified precisely with the TLC Scanner.
      • The entire sample is detectable on the plate and allows evaluation of all components even if some of them remain at the application zone or migrate in the solvent front.
      • HPTLC can analyze samples with high matrix content due to the disposable stationary phase.
      • Thanks to the non-destructive nature of the chromatographic method, analytes can be eluted after separation from the plates using the CAMAG TLC-MS Interface and analyzed by hyphenated techniques (e.g. MS, NIR, NMR).

      This work was done at the CSIC, Instituto de Carbochímiqa, in Zaragoza, Spain. We are grateful to Prof. Dr. Vicente Cebolla and his team for the excellent collaboration!

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      Discover estrogens by HPTLC

      This case study demonstrates a new way of non-target screening for estrogen active compounds in food samples or water.


      HPTLC bioautography links an effect to a separated compound from a complex mixture (non-target screening). By the use of RP-18 W stationary phases (wettable with water) large volumes of aqueous samples can be applied resulting in sharply-bounded zones. HPTLC bioautography offers a great option with regard to a high sample throughput capacity at low running costs. This case study demonstrates a new way of non-target screening for estrogen active compounds in food samples or water.


      Endocrine active compounds (EACs) are ubiquitous in food. They have impact on human health by controlling and regulating essential functions of metabolism, growth and development. Endocrine active compounds include natural estrogens, phytoestrogens as well as food contaminants like plasticizers, pesticides and biocides. To detect all EACs specific non-target screening methods are needed. The planar Yeast Estrogen Screen (pYES) offers a very sensitive way to analyze known and unknown EACs in various sample matrices.

      Description of the procedure and documentation

      The yeast is cultivated according to Klingelhoefer and Morlock (2015). For the HPTLC analysis the samples (in the case shown e.g. beer) are degassed by sonication and 750 µL of each beer sample is mixed with 750 µL of methanol. After centrifugation for 5 min the supernatant is transferred to vials. In the first step an image of the clean RP-18 W HPTLC plate is captured under white light and UV 254 nm with the CAMAG TLC Visualizer. 300 µL of each sample are applied in form of a rectangle (10 x 30 mm) onto the HPTLC plate using the CAMAG Automatic TLC Sampler 4 (ATS 4) to spread the huge beer matrix over a large adsorbent area. Then the HPTLC plate is developed in 3 steps using the Automatic Developing Chamber 2 (ADC 2). The first two steps are for focusing the applied sample (front elution of the analytes) with isopropyl acetate up to 35 mm, followed by the development with n-hexane – toluene – ethyl acetate 6:3:4 up to 70 mm. An image of the developed plate is captured under UV 254 nm, UV 366 nm and white light. In the next step, the developed plate is dipped with the CAMAG Chromatogram Immersion Device 3 into the yeast culture. The plate is kept humid and incubated at 30°C for 3 h. After that, the plate is dipped into the substrate solution and incubated at 37°C for 1 h. The evaluation is done under UV 366 nm. The active zones are further analyzed by HPTLC-MS. Zones are directly eluted with CAMAG TLC-MS Interface to an ESI-MS for confirmation.

      • Image of estrogen active compounds in the different beer samples under UV 366 nm


        Image of estrogen active compounds in the different beer samples under UV 366 nm

      • HPTLC-MS full scan mass spectrum of eluted estrogen active zone with the expected mass m/z 339 [M-H]-


        HPTLC-MS full scan mass spectrum of eluted estrogen active zone with the expected mass m/z 339 [M-H]

      Benefits of using modern HPTLC for the analysis of food samples

        • HPTLC bioautography couples effect-directed analysis with chromatography which allows non-target screening
        • HPTLC bioautography can be used for screening several samples side by side
        • pYES detects EACs down to the very low µg/kg range (for some even down to the ng/kg range)
        • pYES is a specific detection method for the substance class of EACs
        • With HPTLC-MS the presence of known estrogens can easily be confirmed

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        HPTLC quantification of cocoa ingredients and their changes during different chocolate manufacturing steps

        The Institute of Food and Beverage Innovation of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences in Wädenswil deals with delicious, healthy, safe and sustainable food. Besides the education of food technology engineers, practical work with the food industry is fundamental to its strength in innovation. The research group, Food Chemistry analyzes food ingredients using different analytical techniques like HPLC-MS, FT-IR and HPTLC-MS. One of the research objectives is the determination of secondary plant metabolites like alkaloids and polyphenols in food. Monitoring the changes through the entire value chain is of primary importance. In this study, determination of secondary metabolites was performed on fresh cocoa beans and diverse intermediate products of the chocolate production process.


        Polyphenols are not only known for their astringency but also for their great antioxidant potential. They are found in large amounts in cocoa and its derived product chocolate. The characterization and determination of high molecular oligomeric proanthocyanidins (PA) are of great interest because of their higher antioxidant activity compared to low molecular monomeric flavan-3-ols [1]. The changes of the PA profile are also essential for the organoleptic evaluation, which shows that monomeric PAs are more responsible for the bitter taste in contrast to oligomeric PAs, which are responsible for the astringency. Also of great interest are the two alkaloids caffeine and theobromine, not only because of their bitter taste but also for their stimulating and “prime pumping” effect. Anthocyanins can be used as general indicator for determining the degree of cocoa fermentation.

        In the following application, HPTLC was used to determine oligomeric PAs, alkaloids and anthocyanins through the entire value chain – from fresh cocoa beans, through roasted cocoa, cocoa mass and up to molded chocolate bars. The established method has been proven as a suitable tool for comprehensive compound analysis in laboratories with high sample throughput. Besides the acquisition of the characteristic HPTLC fingerprint for the specific manufacturing step, the visual information can be used to build up an imaging database.

        Chromatogram layer

        HPTLC plates silica 60 F254 (Merck), 20 x 10 cm


        One single batch of 10 kg fresh cocoa beans was studied across different processing steps [2]. Changes in the PA profile were recorded on a lab-scale model and may not be fully in line with real-life crop or industrial scale processing. Nevertheless, one batch was processed and aliquots of about 50 g were sampled from each processing step. Samples were collected from (1) raw fresh cocoa beans, (2) fermented, dried cocoa beans, (3) roasted cocoa mass, (4) 1 h conched cocoa mass, and (5) molded chocolate bars.

        Sample preparation

        1 g of the fine grinded and defatted cocoa powder was extracted three times with 3 mL acetone – water 1:1. The combined supernatant was diluted 1:10 with acetone – water 1:1.

        Standard solutions

        Anthocyanin standard solution (0.01 mg/mL in methanol) with cyanidin-3-O-arabinoside (cn-ara) und cyanidin-3-O-glucoside (cn-glc); alkaloid standard solution (0.2 mg/mL in acetone – water 1:1) with caffeine and theobromine; PA standard solution (0.1 mg/mL in methanol) with (-)-epicatechin (EC), proanthocyanidins B2 (PA B2) and C1 (PA C1) as well as cinnamtannin A2 (Cinn A2)

        Sample application

        Bandwise with Automatic TLC Sampler (ATS 4), 15 tracks, band length 8 mm, distance from left edge 20 mm, distance from the lower edge 8 mm, application volume between 5 and 10 μL for standard solutions and 2 and 10 μL for the sample solutions


        In the Automatic Developing Chamber (ADC 2) with chamber saturation (with filter paper) for 20 min and after conditioning at 33% relative humidity for 10 min using a saturated solution of magnesium chloride, development with ethyl formate – formic acid – water – toluene 30:4:3:1.5 to the migration distance of 70 mm (from the lower edge), drying for 5 min

        Postchromatographic derivatization

        The plate was heated at 100 °C and immersed with Chromatogram Immersion Device (immersion speed 5 cm/s, immersion time 0 s) in Fast Blue Salt B reagent (140 mg Fast Blue Salt B in 140 mL methanol, 10 mL water, and 50 mL dichloromethane), followed by 30 s drying in a cold air stream. Alternatively, the Derivatizer can be used.


        TLC Visualizer under UV 254 nm and white light, also after derivatization


        TLC Scanner 4 and visionCATS, absorption measurement at 280 nm for alkaloids and 510 nm for anthocyanins and derivatized PA, slit dimension 5.00 x 0.20 mm, scanning speed 50 mm/s, evaluation via peak area, polynomial regression, spectrum recording from 190 to 600 nm

        Mass spectrometry

        Elution of target zones was done after derivatization with Fast Blue Salt B with the oval elution head (4 x 2 mm) of the TLC-MS Interface. Hereby, acetone – water 1:1 was used as elution solvent at a flow rate of 0.1 mL/min using a HPLC pump. The recording of mass spectra was performed in the positive ionization mode.

        Results and discussion

        The developed method showed a good separation and a quick quantification of the four oligomeric PAs, the two alkaloids and the two anthocyanins. The present study showed diminishing levels of the alkaloids and especially oligomeric PAs, especially during the fermentation and roasting process. Higher oligomeric PAs are presumed to decrease faster than monomeric PAs. In addition, the alkaloid content decreased throughout the manufacturing, whereas during fermentation, alkaloids may diffuse through the porous surface of the testa cotyledon [3]. During the roasting process, alkaloid content decreased due to diffusion into fat. Anthocyanins are responsible for the reddish coloring of the cotyledon. In general, the content of anthocyanins decreased constantly during all stages of fermentation and drops further during drying. Here, the initial content in fresh cocoa beans for cn-ara with 0.81 ± 0.01 mg/g and 0.40 ± 0.01 mg/g for cn-glc dropped drastically below the detection limit after six days of fermentation. The quantification allows the determination of valuable ingredients through each specific processing step and can lead to optimization of the chocolate process.

        • HPTLC chromatogram of different standard mixtures for (A) anthocyanins (a: cn-ara, b: cn-glc) illuminated under white light; (B) alkaloids (c: caffeine and d: theobromine) under UV 254 nm and (C) PAs (e: EC, f: PA B2, g: PA C1 and h: Cinn A2) under white light after derivatization as well as products from different steps of the chocolate manufacturing with 1: raw fresh cocoa beans, 2: fermented, dried cocoa beans, 3: roasted cocoa mass, 4: 1 h conched cocoa mass and 5: molded chocolate bars


          HPTLC chromatogram of different standard mixtures for (A) anthocyanins (a: cn-ara, b: cn-glc) illuminated under white light; (B) alkaloids (c: caffeine and d: theobromine) under UV 254 nm and (C) PAs (e: EC, f: PA B2, g: PA C1 and h: Cinn A2) under white light after derivatization as well as products from different steps of the chocolate manufacturing with 1: raw fresh cocoa beans, 2: fermented, dried cocoa beans, 3: roasted cocoa mass, 4: 1 h conched cocoa mass and 5: molded chocolate bars

        • Polyphenol, alkaloid and anthocyanin mean content (mg/g non-fat dry matter, reproducibility inclusive sample preparation, n = 3) for products of five different chocolate manufacturing steps


          Polyphenol, alkaloid and anthocyanin mean content (mg/g non-fat dry matter, reproducibility inclusive sample preparation, n = 3) for products of five different chocolate manufacturing steps

        • Densitogram of the raw fresh cocoa beans extract (blue) and PA standard solution (green), absorption measurement at 510 nm after derivatization


          Densitogram of the raw fresh cocoa beans extract (blue) and PA standard solution (green), absorption measurement at 510 nm after derivatization


        [1] Pedan, V. et al. S. Food Res. Int. 89 (2016) 890–900
        [2] Pedan, V. et al. Food Chem. 214 (2017) 523–532
        [3] Timbe, D. et al. Food Sci. 43 (1978) 560–562

        Further information on request from the authors.

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