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Development of an HPTLC Autographic Assay for the Detection of Natural Tyrosinase Inhibitors


A simple and rapid high-performance thin-layer chromatography-based autographic assay was established to screen plant extracts for the presence of tyrosinase-inhibiting substances. Three mobile phases were selected for the chromatographic separation of different types of extracts. After development, the plate was sprayed with the substrate solution Levodopa followed by a solution of the enzyme tyrosinase. Several known tyrosinase inhibitors were tested simultaneously as positive controls. They were detected as white spots with white light in remission from the plate as well as with white light transmitted through the plate. Some of the investigated extracts included spots showing a different behaviour; some lipophilic substances appeared as white spots in white light remission but were black in white light transmission. This behaviour, which could lead to false-positive results, was due to poor wettability of the corresponding spots. False-positive results were eliminated by adding Triton X-100 to the Levodopa solution and drying the plate after 10 minutes incubation with a molecular sieve. Tyrosinase inhibitors can be clearly identified as white spots against a dark background in white light remission as well as in white light transmitted through the plate. The established high-performance thin-layer chromatography autographic assay was validated and can be used as a standard method for the detection of tyrosinase inhibitors in plant extracts without causing false-positive results.

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Detection of Phosphodiesterase Type 5 Inhibitors


An HPTLC method is proposed to permit effective screening for the presence of three phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (PDE5-Is; sildenafil, vardenafil, and tadalafil) and eight of their analogs (hydroxyacetildenafil, homosildenafil, thiohomosildenafil, acetildenafil, acetaminotadalafil, propoxyphenyl hydroxyhomosildenafil, hydroxyhomosildenafil, and hydroxythiohomosildenafil) in finished products, including tablets, capsules, chocolate, instant coffee, syrup, and chewing gum. For all the finished products, the same simple sample preparation may be applied: ultrasound-assisted extraction in 10 mL methanol for 30 min followed by centrifugation. The RF values of individual HPTLC bands afford preliminary identification of potential PDE5-Is. Scanning densitometry capabilities enable comparison of the unknown UV spectra with those of known standard compounds and allow further structural insight. Mass spectrometric analysis of the material derived from individual zones supplies an additional degree of confidence. Significantly, the proposed screening technique allows focus on the already known PDE5 Is and provides a platform for isolation and chemical categorization of the newly-synthesized analogs. Furthermore, the scope could be expanded to other therapeutic categories (e.g., analgesics, antidiabetics, and anorexiants) that are occasionally coadulterated along with the PDE5-Is. The method was successfully applied to screening of 45 commercial lifestyle products. Of those, 31 products tested positive for at least one illegal component (sildenafil, tadalafil, propoxyphenyl hydroxyhomosildenafil, or dimethylsildenafil).

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The following products were used in this case study

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