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Parameters of High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography (Part 1)

TLC is a simple, quick, and flexible way to analyze samples, and there is no right or wrong way of doing it. However, if efficient, standardized, and reproducible results are desired, HPTLC is the right choice. HPTLC implies the control of all parameters of the process.

Sample Preparation

Sample preparation is at the beginning of the HPTLC process and can significantly influence the result. For practical reasons, it should be kept as simple as possible. Three main steps are included:

  • The sample homogenization, comprising drying, grinding, freezing, lyophilizing and/or milling step(s);
  • The choice of solvents;
  • The extraction method.

Choosing a suitable extraction solvent involves several considerations:

  • It should be non-hazardous (health, explosion, flammability), stable, and not reactive with the sample;
  • It should be inexpensive and easily removable from the plate.

Polar solvents are water, ethanol, and methanol, medium polarity solvents are ethyl acetate, dichloromethane, and ethers, non-polar solvents are toluene, and cyclohexane. Some extraction methods are:

  • Maceration and percolation;
  • Reflux/Soxhlet;
  • Steam distillation (for essential oils / terpenes);
  • Supercritical fluid extraction;
  • Shaking;
  • Extraction in the ultrasonic bath (sonication);
  • Warm water-bath (boiling);
  • Liquid-liquid extraction;
  • Microwave-assisted extraction;
  • Accelerated solvent extraction.

For samples with unknown properties, or as a convenient starting point, CAMAG proposed a simple extraction scheme covering different solvent polarities: 0.5 g of the powdered sample (amount can be adjusted) are extracted by sonication for 10 minutes with 5.0 mL of the following solvents:

Neat solvents and their mixtures

Acidic mixtures

Basic mixtures

Heptane/Toluene Methanol –
acetic acid 9:1 (V/V)
Methanol –
ammonia 25% 8:2 (V/V)
Butyl methyl ether Water –
acetic acid 9:1 (V/V)
Water –
ammonia 25% 8:2 (V/V)
Ethyl acetate    
Ethanol – water 7:3 (V/V)    
Methanol – water 8:2 (V/V)    

The 15 test solutions can be analyzed in parallel with a mobile phase from the literature or a universal solvent system.


During sample application, the following basic requirements must be met. The position of the sample must be precise to ensure a simultaneous start of the chromatography for all samples on the plate. This is prerequisite for the comparability of RF values of separated zones. For that, a standardized plate layout is adopted. Precise application volumes are required for qualitative and quantitative analysis. A common problem is sample overloading, which decreases the separation power and causes tailing of zones. Furthermore, it is also clear that damages to the layer during sample application can affect the movement of the mobile phase.

Contact or Spray-on Application

During contact application, the sample solution is transferred onto the plate with a (fixed volume) capillary or a syringe. The volume and volatility of the solvent affect the size of the applied spot. The strength of the solvent determines the distribution of the sample components in the applied spot (circular chromatography during application). Compact spots improve the chromatography resolution (see example below, where a test dye solution dissolved either in methanol or in toluene was applied by contact application, Figure 1A).

Figure 1: Contact application as spots (A) and spray-on application as narrow bands (B)

Contact application as spots (A) and spray-on application as narrow bands (B)

Spray-on application vaporizes the sample solution with a gas stream as it is dispensed from a syringe. Before it reaches the layer, a significant part of the solution’s solvent is evaporated, and mainly the sample is transferred to the plate. That way, sharp lines are applied for improved separation during chromatography, regardless of the strength of the solvent (in Figure 1B). The spray-on technique can concentrate large sample volumes into narrow bands.

Band or Spot Application?

During visual evaluation, the resolution seems to improve with the length of the separated zones, but that is just an optical illusion. Nevertheless, evaluation of the homogenous center part of a band improves the signal to noise ratio during the generation of peak profiles.

Most pharmacopoeias prefer band application in HPTLC due to better suitability for visual evaluation.

Figure 2: Comparison of 2 mm and 8 mm band length

Comparison of 2 mm and 8 mm band length

Plate Layout

The standard format of the HPTLC plate is 20 x 10 cm. A precise application position is essential for proper identification of separated zones. For the application of samples with respect to plate layout, certain parameters (see Figure 3) need to be considered.

Figure 3: Plate layout proposed by the HPTLC Association and adopted by The United States Pharmacopoeia (USP), European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.), and British Pharmacopoeia (BP).

 Plate layout proposed by the HPTLC Association and adopted by The United States Pharmacopoeia (USP), European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.), and British Pharmacopoeia (BP).



The degree of automation and productivity are key factors for the HPTLC laboratory. The Module APPLICATION is part of the CAMAG® HPTLC PRO SYSTEM, a fully automated sample analysis and evaluation system using HPTLC plates (20 x 10 cm), which is best suited for routine quality control of analytes extracted from complex matrices and provides reproducible and reliable results.

The Module APPLICATION plays a crucial role within the HPTLC PRO SYSTEM as it largely determines the quantification accuracy. Designed for highly precise application of samples as bands onto HPTLC glass plates, it supports the autonomous application of up to 75 samples on up to five HPTLC plates. To avoid cross contamination, the Module APPLICATION employs an S/N marked syringe generating a highly effective separation bubble between the rinsing solvent and the sample solution. To ensure highly precise application of samples as narrow bands, the Module APPLICATION laser-controls the needle distance and dosage speed, which vary depending on the sample solvent used.

The HPTLC PRO SYSTEM and the individual modules are controlled by visionCATS, a state-of-the-art software platform for workflow organization and data evaluation management.



The ATS 4 is a highly advanced, versatile and powerful system, enabling the fully automated application of 66 samples from vials or 96 samples from well plates using either the spray-on technique or spot application by contact transfer. Any x- and y- position on the TLC plate can be selected for application. Samples can also be applied as rectangles, a feature that is very useful for large volumes of samples containing the analyte in very low concentration. Prior to chromatography, the rectangles are focused to narrow bands with a solvent of high strength. Designed for routine use and high sample throughput, the automated ATS 4 is suited for qualitative and quantitative analyses as well as for preparative separations, while offering great flexibility by supporting any plate format up to 20 x 20 cm. The ATS 4 is controlled by visionCATS HPTLC Software.

Figure 5: CAMAG® Automatic TLC Sampler 4 (ATS 4)

CAMAG® Automatic TLC Sampler 4 (ATS 4)

CAMAG® Linomat 5

A widely used sample applicator is the semi-automatic Linomat 5, a device that introduced all advantages of the spray-on technique to HPTLC. Precise volume dosage and exact positioning combined with flexibility and convenient handling are among the features of the instrument. The user only loads the sample manually into a syringe and selects the y-position of the application; the instrument manages all other parameters of the application process. Like every other software-controlled HPTLC instrument from CAMAG, the Linomat 5 is controlled by visionCATS HPTLC Software.

Figure 6: CAMAG® Linomat 5

CAMAG® Linomat 5


Development is one of the core elements of HPTLC. During development, the analyst needs to be aware of several parameters, which will affect the chromatography and the reproducibility of the results. The following paragraphs will discuss the influence of the separation distance and humidity in the chromatography, and the different chamber configurations.

Separation Distance

In (HP)TLC, the velocity of the mobile phase depends on capillary forces and is not constant as in HPLC or GC. With increasing separation distance, the velocity of the mobile phase decreases because of increasing resistance caused by the silica gel layer, which affects resolution. With a decreasing velocity of the mobile phase diffusion increases. That is the reason why zones get broader in the upper part of the chromatogram. Even though their distance still increases, resolution/ separation of zones does not improve beyond 6 cm separation distance (see Figure 7). This is why many compendia adopted 6 cm as optimum separation distance.

Figure 7: Separation of chamomile oil on HPTLC silica gel 60 plates. Mobile phase: toluene – ethyl acetate 19:1 (V/V), derivatization by dipping in 10% sulfuric acid in methanol

Separation of chamomile oil on HPTLC silica gel 60 plates. Mobile phase: toluene – ethyl acetate 19:1 (V/V), derivatization by dipping in 10% sulfuric acid in methanol

Influence of the Relative Humidity

Silica gel has a hydrophilic nature. Silanol groups on its surface interact strongly with water vapor adsorbed from the environment. This leads to deactivation of the layer, reducing the analyte’s interaction with the stationary phase and increasing RF values. Exposing silica gel to high temperatures (e.g. 120°C) or low relative humidity removes adsorbed water (activation). The silanol groups become more active, and the RF values of the analytes will be lower. Because HPTLC is performed in an open system, results are always affected by the relative humidity of the environment. To ensure reproducible results, it is recommended to adjust the activity of the plate prior to development by exposing the plate for a certain time to a defined relative humidity established over a saturated salt solution.

Saturated salt solution

% relative humidity

NaCl 75
NaBr 58
MgCl2 33
CaCl2 31
(Molecular sieve) 0–5


HPTLC Chamber Configurations

Chamber configuration and the corresponding gas phase will affect the chromatographic result. In standardized HPTLC, a saturated Twin Trough Chamber (TTC) is generally utilized, but also othermodes of operation are possible:

  • Unsaturated TTC: The development starts by introducing the plate immediately after the developing solvent is poured into one of the troughs of the TTC. The other trough remains empty. During development, components of the mobile phase may evaporate from the plate. At the same time, the developing solvent is evaporating into the chamber. Equilibrium between liquid and gas phase (saturation) is not achieved; the chamber remains “unsaturated”.
  • Saturated TTC: Both troughs of the TTC are charged with developing solvent. The rear trough is fitted with filter paper (saturation pad). With the lid closed (e.g. for 20 minutes), equilibrium of the developing solvent and its vapor in the chamber is achieved before the plate is introduced for development. Unless the developing solvent is a neat solvent, the component(s) with the higher vapor  pressure will have a higher proportion in the gas phase.
  • Pre-conditioning in TTC: The developing or another conditioning solvent is poured into the rear trough of the TTC, which may contain a filter paper (saturation pad), and the chamber is saturated (e.g. for 20 minutes) with the lid closed. Then, the plate is inserted into the front trough and, thus, exposed to the gas phase. After a certain time (e.g. 10 minutes) of pre-conditioning, the developing solvent is introduced into the front trough, and chromatography starts.

Special features of the unsaturated TTC are:

  • Sharper zones;
  • Higher RF values;
  • Sometimes better separation of critical pairs;
  • Longer developing time;
  • Chromatography susceptible to variation in temperature, humidity and chamber geometry;
  • Results less reproducible.

Special features of saturated TTC and pre-conditioning are:

  • Broader zones;
  • Lower RF values;
  • Shorter developing time;
  • Chromatography is less affected by variation in temperature, humidity and chamber geometry;
  • Reproducible results;
  • Pre-conditioning further decreases the RF values.

Practical tip: The level of developing solvent must always be below the application position on the plate. In HPTLC, the level is 5 mm with an application position of 8 mm.

Post-chromatographic Drying of the Plate

Once the mobile phase reached the targeted solvent front position, the plate should be immediately removed from the chamber and dried to stop chromatography and suppress any diffusion of separated components. During the drying, the plate is kept in a vertical position.



Designed to develop 20 x 10 cm HPTLC glass plates, the Module DEVELOPMENT obtains highly reproducible analytical results and offers high flexibility regarding the choice of the solvents and configuration of the separation process. Its unique chamber geometry allows for the full control of the gas phase prior to and during chromatography. Prior to development, the stationary phase can be pre-dried, activated, and pre-conditioned. During development, the gas phase can be actively circulated to achieve the best possible separation of the analytes. After development, the mobile phase is drained off the chamber and a running blower removes the residual mobile phase from the stationary phase. Combined with the Modules PLATE STORAGE and APPLICATION, the Module DEVELOPMENT allows for the sequential execution of several analysis files, enabling the autonomous development of up to five different HPTLC glass plates with up to three different developing solvents.



CAMAG® Automatic Developing Chamber ADC 2

The Automatic Developing Chamber 2 (ADC 2) is an instrument for reproducible development, performing the development step fully automated, and independent of environmental effects. The activity and pre-conditioning of the layer, chamber saturation, developing distance and final drying can be preset and automatically monitored by the ADC 2. The fully automated ADC 2 employs a conventional 20 x 10 cm Twin Trough Chamber for development, allowing to retain the chromatographic conditions of already existing analytical procedures while excluding environmental and operational effects. The option Humidity Control allows reproducible chromatography at defined activity of the layer. This feature is essential in method development when the influence of relative humidity shall be investigated.

CAMAG® Automatic Developing Chamber ADC 2

CAMAG® Automatic Developing Chamber ADC 2

CAMAG® AMD 2 System Automated Multiple Development

The separation of complex samples is a challenging task for every chromatographic system, particularly when the sample components span a wide polarity range. The software-controlled AMD 2 is designed to solve difficult separation problems that cannot be handled by isocratic HPTLC. The AMD procedure offers an excellent solution as it allows stepwise gradient elution over increasing separation distances. As a result, acids, bases, neutral, hydrophilic, and lipophilic substances can be separated in a single AMD run. This makes AMD suitable for a variety of applications. The technique is frequently used in lipid analysis and in routine analysis of drinking water. Pigment formulations with a complex composition, resins as well as additives of mineral oil products are other typical applications of AMD analysis.

CAMAG® AMD 2 System Automated Multiple Development

CAMAG® AMD 2 System Automated Multiple Development

mentioned products

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Screening for chlorinated paraffins in vegetable oils and dietary supplements by pSPE


Chlorinated paraffins (CP) are complex mixtures of polychlorinated n-alkanes with 10 to 30 carbon atoms and variable chlorine contents (30–70%). CP are categorized by their carbon chain length as short- (SCCP; C10–C13), medium- (MCCP; C14–C17), and long-chain (LCCP; C18–C30) CP and they are widely used for technical applications, e.g., they are added to plasticizers, paints, and flame retardants. CP are known to be persistent, and their bioaccumulation depends on the carbon chain length and the degree of chlorination. Because of their high toxicity, SCCP were classified as persistent organic pollutants (POP) according to the Stockholm Convention in 2017. MCCP and LCCP have similar chemical properties as SCCP, however, there have been only few studies about their toxicity and bioaccumulation, and their metabolism and distribution in the environment up to now, why they also pose a very high risk to humans. Due to their chemical structure, the degradation of CP in the environment is negligible, while accumulation in lipophilic tissues is very likely and high quantities might occur in lipids. CP were already detected in vegetable oils, milk, and dairy products, as well as in human milk fat and additionally in food supplements with high fat content. The analysis of CP is a very challenging task because CP are complex mixtures of polychlorinated n-alkanes, comprising thousands of congeners. The separation of these complex mixtures of unknown isomers and congeners is even not possible by gas chromatography (GC). Therefore, the presented screening method for CP uses the pSPE concept that quantifies CP as the sum. Based on the cost-effective and efficient HPTLC technique, pSPE guarantees reliable results for many samples simultaneously in a short time [1].

The determination of CP by applying the pSPE concept was successfully developed for a rapid and selective screening of CP as the sum. After sulfuric acid treatment and liquid-liquid partition into n-hexane, pSPE was performed on silica gel plates employing a twofold development. The analytes, which were focused in a single target zone, were determined by a densitometric absorption scan after derivatization with o-tolidine showing the total CP content, and the amounts were calculated as the sum by means of a reference CP. A comparison of the results obtained for the total CP in dietary supplements by pSPE with visual detection (pSPE–VIS) and by GC with highresolution mass spectrometry (GC–HRMS) proved the pSPE approach as reliable tool for screening purposes.

Standard solutions

For method development, technical CP mixtures (SCCP with chlorine contents of 51.5%, 55.5%, and 63% and MCCP with chlorine contents of 42%, 52%, and 57%) are diluted in n-hexane to a concentration of 25 ng/μL. For the determination of the limit of decision and quantitation, recovery experiments in vegetable oils, and the analysis of dietary supplements, the reference CP (MCCP with a chlorine content of 52%) is diluted to concentrations of 0.075–0.8 ng/μL, 0.75–10 ng/μL, and 0.25–10 ng/μL, respectively. The internal standard (ISTD) 4,4-DDT is prepared at a concentration of 400 μg/mL (stock solution) and used at a final concentration of 6 ng/μL in all samples and standards. [1] For GC–HRMS measurements, SCCP calibration standards with chlorine contents of 51.5%, 53.5%, 55.5%, 59.25%, and 63% and MCCP standards with chlorine contents of 42%, 47%, 52%, 54.5%, and 57% are prepared by respective dilutions of technical CP mixtures to a concentration of 10 ng/μL. The ISTD α-PDHCH and ε-HCH are added at concentrations of 0.075 and 0.05 ng/μL to all samples and standards. [1]

Sample preparation

Vegetable oil is treated according to Coelhan [2] with somemodifications. After the addition of 15 μL of the ISTD 4,4-DDT stock solution to 250 mg of vegetable oil, 500 μL of n-hexane and 2.5 mL of concentrated sulfuric acid are added and the mixture is shaken for 3 min at 2200 rpm prior to centrifugation for 30 min. The n-hexane phase is separated, and the extraction is repeated with 500 μL of n-hexane under the same conditions. Both n-hexane extracts are combined and used for pSPE [1]. Oil-based dietary supplement capsules (250 mg of oil) are extracted by the same procedure as described above for the vegetable oil (following the procedure of the sulfuric acid treatment of the sample solution in n-hexane) including the addition of 7.5 μL of the ISTD α-PDHCH prior to the extraction (for GC–HRMS analysis). Furthermore, the combined n-hexane extracts (≈1 mL) are shaken with 2 mL of sulfuric acid for 4 min prior to centrifugation for 5 min. After separation of the n-hexane phase, the sulfuric acid treatment is repeated under the same conditions. A 300 μL aliquot of the n-hexane extract is used for pSPE and a 400 μL aliquot of the n-hexane extract including 2 μL of the ISTD ε-HCH is used for GC–HRMS. [1]

Chromatogram layer

HPTLC plates silica gel 60 (Merck), 20 x 10 cm are used.

Sample application

30 μL of samples and standards are applied as areas of 6 mm x 3 mm with the Automatic TLC Sampler (ATS 4), 22 tracks, distance from the left edge 13.0 mm and from the lower edge 8.0 mm. After application, plates are dried in a fume hood for 5 min.


Plates are developed twofold in the ADC 2 after activation at 33% relative humidity for 5 min using a saturated solution of magnesium chloride. The 1st development is performed with cyclohexane – toluene 94:6 (V/V) to a migration distance of 80 mm and the 2nd development is done with dichloromethane – n-hexane 90:10 (V/V) to a migration distance of 50 mm followed by a drying time of 3 min after each development.

Post-chromatographic derivatization

The plate is immersed into a solution of o-tolidine (4% in acetone) using the Chromatogram Immersion Device with an immersion speed of 3 cm/s and an immersion time of 1 s, dried for 4 min in a stream of cold air, and irradiated with UV-C light inside a self-made irradiation device using a cycle with irradiation and cooling steps [1].


Images of the plate are documented with the TLC Visualizer in white light.


Absorbance measurement at 645 nm is performed with the TLC Scanner 4 with a scanning speed of 20 mm/s, a data resolution of 100 μm/step, and a slit dimension of 5 mm x 0.30 mm using the manual detector mode applying a quick scan range of 47–53 mm on the track of the most concentrated standard. For quantitation, the respective peak areas are used.

Gas chromatography coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry

GC–HRMS measurements with electron capture negative ionization (ECNI) are performed according to the method of Krätschmer et al. [3] and quantitation is done according to Sprengel et al. [4] and Reth et al. [5].

Results and discussion

The determination of CP as the sum was performed by the straightforward pSPE approach. The target analytes were selectively separated from the matrix and additionally focused in a single and sharp target zone since all representatives of the chemical group of CP have almost identical properties in regard to a chromatographic separation. Best results were obtained by a twofold development on HPTLC silica gel with cyclohexane – toluene 94:6 (V/V) for the 1st development and dichloromethane – n-hexane 90:10 (V/V) for the 2nd development. In the target zone, the selective determination of the total CP as the sum was possible directly on the plate after derivatization with o-tolidine and UV irradiation by means of an absorption scan at 645 nm. For quantitation, a reference CP (MCCP with a chlorine content of 52%) was used.

  • Plate image after pSPE and derivatization with o-tolidine in white light


    Plate image after pSPE and derivatization with o-tolidine in white light of (1–4) from left to right, SCCP (chlorine content 55.5% and 63%), MCCP (chlorine content 52% and 57%), 225 ng CP/zone; (5–9) different vegetable oils, 7.5 mg sample/zone; (10) a reagent blank.

  • Corresponding 3D densitogram of the absorption scan at 645 nm


    Corresponding 3D densitogram of the absorption scan at 645 nm

Limits of decision and quantitation for the reference CP were determined according to the DIN 32645 calibration method [6] in the range of 2.25–24 ng CP/zone (corresponding to 0.3–3.2 mg CP/kg of vegetable oil) and 1.5–4.9 ng CP/zone (corresponding to 0.2–0.7 mg CP/kg of vegetable oil), respectively, with relative standard deviations (RSD) <5%. Thus, the presented pSPE–VIS approach delivers a suitable screening tool for the analysis of the total CP down to ~1 mg/kg of vegetable oil, while for lower limits, sample application volume can be increased.

Recoveries for CP in sunflower oil, olive oil, and rice bran oil at levels of 5, 10, and 30 mg reference CP/kg were very close to 100% after the subtraction of a slight impurity originating from the sample preparation. With precision of recovery expressed as RSD <4%, the method was very well repeatable for all tested vegetable oils and spiking levels.

  • Mean recoveries of CP from vegetable oils in % ± standard deviation (n = 4) at spiking levels of 5, 10, and 30 mg reference CP/kg of oil. Modified from [1].


    Mean recoveries of CP from vegetable oils in % ± standard deviation (n = 4) at spiking levels of 5, 10, and 30 mg reference CP/kg of oil. Modified from [1].

  • Total CP amounts in six dietary supplement samples from the European market by pSPE–VIS and GC/ECNI–HRMS in mg reference CP/kg of sample ± standard deviation (n = 4). Modified from [1].


    Total CP amounts in six dietary supplement samples from the European market by pSPE–VIS and GC/ECNI–HRMS in mg reference CP/kg of sample ± standard deviation (n = 4). Modified from [1].

Comparison of results obtained by pSPE–VIS and GC–HRMS for six dietary supplement samples (oil-based food supplements) showed generally conformity. The total CP contents determined by pSPE–VIS were in the same order of magnitude compared to the contents analyzed by GC–HRMS and results were well repeatable. Only one sample (sample 3) showed a clearly higher content by pSPE, however, displayed a different color of the target zone that evidently originated from comigrated matrix components. In general, large deviations in results are well known for the very challenging CP analysis, which depend on the used GC–MS set-up including the calibration standards and the calibration method.

In summary, the pSPE screening approach for the determination of the total CP provides a very useful alternative to the time-consuming and very complicated GC approaches that analyze the individual components and calculate the sum afterwards. Furthermore, in terms of a rapid screening, pSPE offers the chance to save time and costs, because only the suspected and questionable samples need additionally to be analyzed by GC/ECNI–HRMS.


[1] C. Oellig et al., J Chromatogr A (2019) 460380.
[2] M. Coelhan, Anal Chem (1999) 4498.
[3] K. Krätschmer et al., J Chromatogr A (2018) 53.
[4] J. Sprengel et al., Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom (2018) 49.
[5] M. Reth et al., J Chromatogr A (2005) 225.
[6] Deutsches Institut für Normung, DIN 32645, Beuth, Berlin, 2008.

Further information on request from the authors.

Contact: PD Dr. habil. Claudia Oellig, Department of Food Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry (170a), Institute of Food Chemistry, University of Hohenheim, 70599 Stuttgart, claudia.oellig[at]

mentioned products

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The HPTLC Association Substance Database: a useful tool for identification of compounds.

The idea of developing a substance database for natural products arose from a previous collaboration on HPTLC of flavonoids and phenolic acids, between CAMAG and the ZHAW(Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Wädenswil). The project investigated the chromatographic behavior of about 72 substances. In a pilot phase in collaboration with the company Extrasynthese we worked on two smaller projects on iridoids and coumarins to practically implement the database concept.


The HPTLC Association Substance Database is a systematic collection of data, easily accessible electronically from the website of the HPTLC Association [1]. It contains retention and spectral data of representative substances from different classes, analyzed with different developing solvents and derivatization reagents.

With the substance database, HPTLC laboratories have a free and convenient tool to help with identification of zones in a chromatogram. The user can compare RF values, and colors prior to and after derivatization, and UV spectra of unknown zones with those of the references. As the collection will be regularly expanded with substances not limited to constituents of herbal drugs, different fields of application can benefit from the HPTLC Association substance database. Iridoids and coumarins are described in this article.

Standard solutions

Iridoids and coumarins were dissolved in methanol at a concentration of 1.0 mg/mL, and concentrations were adjusted if needed.

Chromatogram layer

HPTLC plates silica gel 60 F254 (Merck), 20 x 10 cm are used.

Sample application

2.0 μL of solutions were applied as bands with the Automatic TLC Sampler (ATS 4), 15 tracks, band length 8.0 mm, distance from left edge 20.0 mm, distance from lower edge 8.0 mm.


Plates were developed to 70 mm (from the lower edge) in the ADC 2 with chamber saturation (20 min, with filter paper) and after activation at 33% relative humidity for 10 min using a saturated aqueous solution of magnesium chloride. Different mobile phases were investigated (see table), followed by drying for 5 min.

Post-chromatographic derivatization

Iridoids were derivatized with anisaldehyde sulfuric acid (AS) and vanillin sulfuric acid (VS) reagents. Coumarins were derivatized with AS, potassium hydroxide (KOH), and natural product (NP) / polyethylene glycol (PEG) reagents. AS reagent: slowly and carefully mix 170.0 mL of ice-cooled methanol with 20.0 mL of acetic acid and 10.0 mL of sulfuric acid; allow the mixture to cool to room temperature, then add 1.0 mL of anisaldehyde (p-methoxy benzaldehyde); VS: dissolve 1 g of vanillin in 100 mL of ethanol 96% and carefully add 2 mL of concentrated sulfuric acid; KOH: dissolve 5 g potassium hydroxide in 100 mL of methanol (96%); NP: dissolve 1 g of 2-aminoethyl diphenylborinate in 200 mL of ethyl acetate; PEG: mix 10 g of polyethylene glycol 400 (macrogol) with 200 mL of dichloromethane.


Images of the plates were captured with the TLC Visualizer 2 in UV 254 nm, UV 366 nm and white light, and in UV 366 nm and white light after derivatization.


Absorbance measurements at 254 nm with the deuterium lamp for iridoids, and at 313 nm with the mercury lamp for coumarins were performed with TLC Scanner 4 and visionCATS, slit dimension 5.00 mm x 0.20 mm, scanning speed 20 mm/s. Spectra of the corresponding zones were recorded in the absorbance-reflectance mode from λ=190–450 nm using a combination of deuterium and tungsten lamps with a slit size of 5.00 mm x 0.20 mm.

Results and discussion

Analysts who want to identify unknown zones in the HPTLC chromatogram are limited to the availability of reference standards in their laboratory. To help with selecting appropriate standards, the substance database can be a useful screening tool. For each class of compounds, six steps were taken: evaluation of the existing HPTLC methods, selection of three developing solvents of diverse properties, evaluation of the derivatization reagents, analysis of all substances of each class, and creation of the documentation.

The HPTLC Association provides method documents (PDF format) for each class and all evaluated developing solvents for a convenient check of available substances.

The documentation of the database also includes PDF files for each individual substance including peak profiles from image, UV spectra and images of chromatograms prior to and after derivatization.

Users of visionCATS can download all the data as comparison files and import their own data for comparison.

  • Table 1: Substance Database – a useful tool for identification of compounds


    Heptane is not included in selectivity groups. AS: anisaldehyde sulfuric acid. VS: vanillin sulfuric acid, KOH: potassium hydroxide; NP: natural product; PEG: polyethylene glycol.

  • Method document for iridoids, developing solvent A


    Method document for iridoids, developing solvent A

  • Substance document of agnuside, developing solvent A


    Substance document of agnuside, developing solvent A

  • Use of the comparison file from the substance database for establishing the presence of harpagoside and harpagide in Harpagophytum procumbens


    Use of the comparison file from the substance database for establishing the presence of harpagoside and harpagide in Harpagophytum procumbens.


[1] T. K. T. Do, R. De Vaumas, E. Reich. J Planar Chromatogr 1638 (2021).

Further information on request from the authors.

Contact: Dr. Tiên Do, CAMAG Laboratory, Sonnenmattstrasse 11, 4132 Muttenz, Switzerland,[at]

mentioned products

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Principles of Planar Chromatography

Planar Chromatography

Planar chromatography is a form of liquid chromatography: A liquid mobile phase dissolves the substances of a mixture and transports them through a flat (planar) stationary phase. Different affinities of substances to the two phases afford separation as they cause different retardation with respect to the velocity of the mobile phase. In column chromatography, this affects the time of elution (retention time) while in planar chromatography the position of substance relative to the front of the mobile phase on the plate is changed. Because planar chromatography takes place in a developing chamber, also a gas phase is established, which can influence the separation. There are two forms of planar chromatography: Paper Chromatography and Thin-Layer Chromatography (TLC). Planar chromatography is performed in off-line mode, which means that the principle steps of the process (sample application, development, derivatization, detection, evaluation) are independent in time and location. This leads to some specific advantages:

  • great flexibility in the choice of stationary and mobile phases
  • parallel analysis and visual comparison of multiple samples and standards
  • single-use of the stationary phase reduces the need for sample clean-up
  • possibility of multiple detections without the need to repeat chromatography
  • convenient chemical derivatization of separated substances and detection of biological activity
  • low cost
  • rapid

The Thin-Layer Chromatography (TLC) System

The TLC system comprises the mobile phase, stationary phase, and gas phase. The first two phases interact directly with the sample components and achieve their separation. The gas phase is established in the developing chamber and affects the dry part of the stationary phase.

Figure 1: The TLC system

Figure 1: The TLC system

The Stationary Phase

Different adsorbents can be used as stationary phase in TLC but silica gel (in normal phase mode) is the most common one. Due to its porous (6 nm) structure, silica gel has a large surface featuring siloxane and silanol groups. These can interact with different functional groups of the sample components based on polarity, acidity and non-specific interaction. Silica gel is a strong adsorbent and interacts with water from the lab atmosphere. This process affects the activity and the selectivity of the stationary phase.

Figure 2: Stationary phases (based on silica gel)

Figure 2: Stationary phases (based on silica gel)

Chemical modification of the silanol groups leads to bonded phases, of non-polar (reversed-phase – RP) or polar (normal phase – NP) nature and quite different selectivity.

Name (Merck)



Principal use as

RP 2 (C2) Dimethyl Non-polar RP (partition)
RP 8 (C8) Octyl Non-polar RP (partition)
RP 18 (C18) Octadecyl Non-polar RP (partition)
Silica gel (SiOH) Silanol Polar NP (adsorption/partition)
Amino (NH2) 3-aminopropyl Middle polar RP/NP (partition/adsorption)
Cyano (CN) 3-cyanopropyl Middle polar RP/NP (partition/adsorption)
Diol (OH) Spacer bonded propanediol Middle polar NP (adsorption)

For non-polar reversed-phases, polarity decreases and hydrophobicity increases with the chain length (C2 > C8 > C18). The dominant retention mechanism is partition: the analytes are distributed between the bonded (liquid) phase and the mobile phase. Plates labelled “wettable” (W) are compatible with higher amounts of water in the mobile phase.

The dominant retention mechanism on normal phases is adsorption: the analytes and the molecules of the mobile phase compete for adsorption on the stationary phase.

Practical tip: on silica gel, the RF values decrease with the number and increasing polarity of the functional groups: hydrocarbons (low polarity) usually migrate to a higher RF with a medium- polarity mobile phase. In contrast, acids, alcohols or sugars (higher polarity) tend to stay closer to or at the application position with a medium-polarity mobile phase. On a reversed-phase, the longer the analyte’s carbon chain, the lower its RF values (higher retention).

Figure 3: The dominant retention mechanisms for normal phases (adsorption) and non-polar reversed-phases (partition).

Figure 3: The dominant retention mechanisms for normal phases (adsorption) and non-polar reversed-phases (partition).

To create a stable adsorbent layer on the support, most commercial plates contain an organic polymeric binder. Some plates have a so-called fluorescence indicator that is excited at a specific wavelength, e.g. short wave UV (254 nm), labeled as F254.

F fluorescence indicator
254 excitation wavelength for F
PSC/PF preparative layer chromatography, thickness > 0.25 mm
RP 2, 8, 18 reversed-phase with chain length/C-atoms 2, 8, 18
W water resistant / wettable layer (most common for RP-18 plates)
s acid stable indicator
60 average pore diameter in Angstrom (60 Å = 6 nm)
AMD automated multiple development, thickness ~ 0.1 mm
MS mass spectrometry, thickness ~ 0.1 mm
G gypsum (used as binder)

The Mobile Phase

The mobile phase is the solvent or mixture of solvents that transports the analytes through the stationary phase and contributes to the selectivity of the chromatographic systems.

Note: mobile phase and developing solvent are not the same thing. The mobile phase is the liquid that migrates through the stationary phase. Its composition (proportion of solvents) may change during chromatography due to evaporation and other factors. The developing solvent has a defined composition and is filled into the developing chamber.

The solvent strength refers to the ability of the solvent to elute the solutes from the stationary phase. By increasing the mobile phase strength, the retention of the solute decreases and the RF value increases. In adsorption chromatography, solvent strength is commonly called “polarity”, while in reversed-phase, it can be expressed as lipophilicity. A classification of solvent strength (Polarity index P’) for normal phase separation is shown in the table below.


Polarity index P’

Selectivity Group

Hexane 0.0
Heptane 0.1
Isopropyl ether 2.4 I
Diethyl ether 2.8 I
2-propanol 3.9 II
n-butanol 3.9 II
1-propanol 4.0 II
Ethanol 4.3 II
Methanol 5.1 II
Tetrahydrofuran 4.0 III
Acetic acid 6.0 IV
Dichloromethane 3.1 V
Ethyl acetate 4.4 VI
Methylethyl ketone 4.7 VI
Dioxane 4.8 VI
Acetone 5.1 VI
Acetonitrile 5.8 VI
Toluene 2.4 VII
Benzene 2.7 VII
p-xylene 2.5 VII
Nitromethane 6.0 VII
Chloroform 4.1 VIII
Water 10.2 VIII

Figure 3: The dominant retention mechanisms for normal phases (adsorption) and non-polar reversed-phases (partition).

Figure 4: Illustration of the effect of increasing mobile phase strength on the RF values of a dye mixture on silica gel. The more ethyl acetate (P’ of 4.4) is in the mobile phase, the higher the RF of the zones.

In reversed phase chromatography, the solvent strength increases with the increasing amount of organic modifier and decreasing amount of water.

The mobile phase selectivity describes the interaction of the solvent with different sample molecules. R. L. Snyder proposed eight solvent selectivity groups with different properties (Figure 6). Solvents from different selectivity groups can have the same polarity (e.g. tetrahydrofuran and 1-propanol). This can affect the migration order of analytes in a sample.

Figure 5: Eight solvent selectivity groups with different properties

Figure 5: Eight solvent selectivity groups with different properties

In the practical example shown in Figure 6, a test dye mixture was analyzed with four different developing solvents of the same strength on silica gel. The solvents in cases (a) and (b), ethyl acetate and acetone, belong to group VI, causing very similar migration orders, except for the purple zone. By changing to a solvent from group II (1-propanol), the yellow and blue zones switch positions, and the gray zone has a lower RF value (case c). In the last case (d), with neat chloroform (group VIII), nearly all zones change positions.

Figure 6: Analysis of test dye mixture with four different mobile phases of the same strength on silica gel.

Figure 6: Analysis of test dye mixture with four different mobile phases of the same strength on silica gel.

The Gas Phase

A feature that distinguishes TLC from other chromatographic techniques is the presence of an additional gas phase. It is formed in the chromatographic chamber by evaporation of solvents. The gas phase interacts with the stationary and mobile phases, before and during chromatography. It is possible to standardize the conditions of the gas phase in order to achieve reproducible results.

In a “classic TLC chamber”, i.e. a twin-trough chamber (TTC) with specific dimensions, containing filter paper, a developing solvent, a stationary phase with samples, and which is closed with a lid, the gas phase is involved in four important processes:

Figure 7: The gas phase is involved in four important processes: saturation (A), pre-conditioning (B), evaporation (C), and secondary fronts (D).

Figure 7: The gas phase is involved in four important processes: saturation (A), pre-conditioning (B), evaporation (C), and secondary fronts (D).

  • Saturation (Figure 7A): The components of the developing solvent evaporate and eventually establish phase equilibrium with their vapor (e.g. after 20 minutes, when using a filter paper to increase the surface for evaporation). The vapor pressure of the individual components of the developing solvent affects the composition of the gas phase.
  • Pre-conditioning (Figure 7B): The components of the gas phase are adsorbed on the dry stationary phase, forming a thin layer of solvent molecules. A polar solvent in the gas phase will interact more with the silica gel than one of lower polarity.
  • Evaporation of the mobile phase during chromatography (Figure 7C): During the development step, a part of the mobile phase may evaporate from the wet stationary phase, leading to increased developing time, particularly if the chamber has not been saturated.
  • Secondary fronts (Figure 7D): During the development step, an active stationary phase can separate the components of the mobile phase, resulting in the formation of secondary fronts that may influence the separation of the analytes. This effect is weaker with chamber saturation and pre-conditioning of the stationary phase.

In TLC, separation usually takes place in a partial equilibrium between stationary, mobile, and gas phases.

The Retardation Factor

The retardation factor (RF) in planar chromatography, also known as the retention factor, is a term used to describe the relative positions of zones in the chromatogram. It is calculated based on the ratio of the distances traveled by the center of a zone “A” (b) and distance traveled by the mobile phase front (a) with respect to the application position.

By definition, RF values are always less than one, and they are displayed with two decimals. IUPAC defines hRF as RF multiplied by 100, but most pharmacopoeias and publications use RF.

Figure 8: Calculation of the retardation factor (RF)

Figure 8: Calculation of the retardation factor (RF)


  • Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) is a special case of planar chromatography. TLC has been used since the mid-20th century for diverse separation purposes, and until now, it is generally done either manually or with a simple instrumental setup. It is a simple, flexible, and rapid tool for qualitative investigations. However, as there is no agreement on a standardized TLC methodology, it is challenging to get reproducible results between laboratories (if that is the method’s aim).

    The term High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) was introduced when plates with smaller particle sizes and dimensions were brought to the market. HPTLC is considered the evolution of classical TLC. With time, HPTLC was clearly defined by compendia and became a concept that prioritizes the quality and reproducibility of the results. The HPTLC concept includes:

    • HPTLC glass plates of fixed dimensions (20 x 10 cm) with layers of silica gel (or other adsorbents) with particle sizes between 2 and 10 μm and a fluorescence indicator;
    • Simple to sophisticated instruments, available for all chromatography steps;
    • HPTLC software;
    • Well-defined methods with optimized and standardized parameters;
    • Qualified data through method specific system suitability test (SST);
    • Validated methods, compliant with cGxP;
    • Traceable digital data.

    A standardized and optimized TLC method on a 20 x 20 cm plate can be scaled down to run on a 20 x 10 cm HPTLC plate. Thus, HPTLC can be considered as miniaturized TLC.



  • Figure 10a: HPTLC glass plate (20 x 10 cm)


    HPTLC glass plate (20 x 10 cm)

  • Figure 10b: TLC plate (20 x 20 cm)


    TLC plate (20 x 20 cm)

  • Figure 10c: Respective particle size


    Respective particle size

  • The main differences between TLC and HPTLC are shown in the table below:




    Principle Planar chromatography Planar chromatography
    Primary focus Simplicity, low cost Reproducibility, separation power
    Process Flexible, no rules Highly standardized methodology/optimized parameters
    Methods Only a few parameters defined Well defined and validated
    Flexibility Very high None for validated methods, high between methods
    Target Rapid, preliminary results Reliable analytical results
    Data structure Simple chromatograms/photographs Traceable digital images/scan data qualified by system suitability test (SST) on each plate, cGMP compliant reporting
    Samples/references             Side by side on the plate On the same or on different plates
    Plate TLC any format HPTLC 20 x 10 cm
    Instrumentation None to simple Simple to sophisticated
    Cost Very low Medium to high compared to TLC, low per sample compared to HPLC

Further information on request from the authors.

Contact: Amélie Havard, Daniel Dron, Oril Industrie (Servier), Industrial Research Centre, Department of Analytical Innovative Technologies R&D, 13 rue Auguste Desgenétais, CS 60125, 76210 Bolbec, France,

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High-throughput analysis of aroma precursors in cocoa and coffee

Dr. Vincent Lebot is a plant breeder and geneticist at CIRAD (Centre International de Coopération en Recherche Agronomique, France) and employs chromatographic separation techniques, especially instrumental planar chromatography, to select genetically improved tropical plant hybrids and varieties of suitable chemotypes. HPTLC is his preferred technique because of its low solvent consumption and running costs and its support of a high-sample throughput.


It is estimated that there are around 24,000 varieties of cocoa and more than 30,000 varieties of coffee in the world [1, 2]. Only a few varieties have been evaluated for their quality aiming at specialty and aromatic products, which is an important trait for securing markets, especially for smallholders in small producing countries. During the fermentation and drying processes, aroma precursors present in the green beans are transformed into flavour compounds determining the quality of commercial beans. The chemical analysis of non-volatile compounds is, therefore, an essential step for the selection of varieties with desired quality traits. Alkaloids (theobromine and caffeine) and polyphenols (catechins, proanthocyanidins and anthocyanins) are contributing to the cocoa flavour. Caffeine, trigonelline and chlorogenic acids are known to produce astringent and sour taste and bitterness in coffee but very few varieties have been compared in controlled conditions. Sucrose is also an aroma precursor in coffee and depends on the variety. The objectives of this study were: i) to develop a protocol for the quantification of non-volatile compounds in cocoa and coffee, ii) to analyze and compare cocoa and coffee varieties from diverse geographical origins cultivated in controlled conditions and harvested at full maturity.

Standard solutions

Standard stock solutions of theobromine, trigonelline, caffeine, ideain-3-O-galactoside, cyanidin- 3-O-arabinoside, (–)-epicatechin, (–)-catechin, chlorogenic acid (CGA), neochlorogenic acid (NCGA or 5-O-caffeoylquinic acid), 3,4-, 3,5-, 4,5- dicaffeoylquinic acids, and sucrose are prepared at 1.0 mg/mL with methanol. Standard solutions are prepared at different concentration levels with methanol and stored at 4 °C.

Sample preparation

Cocoa pods and coffee berries are handpicked and selectively harvested when they are completely mature to guarantee the complete uniformity of the material from the different accessions. All samples are collected from a single healthy tree per accession basis. Green beans of cocoa and coffee were then oven dried at 60 °C until constant weight (11% humidity) and milled. For each accession sample, 10 g of powder are mixed in centrifuge tubes with 30.0 mL of acetone for cocoa and 30.0 mL of methanol – water 7:3 (v/v) for coffee, sonicated for 10 min and then centrifuged at 1,585 x g for 10 min. The supernatant is transferred to a vial stored at 4 °C in the dark until analysis.

Chromatogram layer

HPTLC plates silica gel 60 F254 (Merck) 20 x 10 cm are used.

Sample application

1.0 μL of standard and sample solutions are applied as bands with the Automatic TLC Sampler (ATS 4), band length 8.0 mm, distance from the left edge 15.0 mm, track distance 8.9 mm.


Plates are developed in the Automatic Developing Chamber (ADC 2) with ethyl acetate – toluene – formic acid – water 7:1:1:1 (v/v) without chamber saturation for cocoa extracts and with ethyl acetate – dichloromethane – formic acid – acetic acid – water 23:6:2:2:2 (v/v) with chamber saturation (10 min, with filter paper) for coffee extracts, to a migration distance of 70.0 mm. For sucrose, plates are developed with acetonitrile – water 87:13 (v/v) without chamber saturation to a migration distance of 85 mm.


Images of the plates are captured with the TLC Visualizer in UV 254 nm and UV 366 nm and in white light after derivatization.


Absorbance measurement at 275 nm and 330 nm prior to derivatization and for sucrose at 520 nm after derivatization with TLC Scanner 4 and winCATS, slit dimension 8.00 mm x 0.20 mm, scanning speed 50 mm/s.

Editor’s Note: A slit length of 5.00 mm is usually used for a band length of 8.00 mm.


The plate is immersed into anisaldehyde reagent (for proanthocyanidins) or aniline-diphenylaminephosphoric acid reagent (for sucrose) with the Chromatogram Immersion Device and heated on the TLC Plate Heater at 105 °C for 10 min.

Results and discussion

For repeatability accuracy assessment, linear ranges were computed using the least squares method. Repeatability was confirmed by applying four repetitions of each standard at five different concentration levels (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 μg/μL) and the variance among repetitions was expressed as the repeatability standard deviation (%RSD) [3]. Peak area measurements were compared to individual standards and corresponding values were quantified in mg/g dry weight [3]. The repeatability of the HPTLC measurements was assessed for each individual standard and the calibration plots were linear for all analytical standards with all R2 > 0.99 (P = 0.01). For each compound, %RSD values were low (< 3.5%) indicating that the HPTLC measurements are accurate enough to be used for quantification.

Multivariate analysis of non-volatile compounds (via peak areas obtained by scanning densitometry) in 137 cocoa varieties clearly discriminates the different groups of varieties (Amenolado, Criollo, Forastero, Trinitario). Theobromine was the most important compound in all accessions analyzed, followed by caffeine, epicatechin/catechin, cyanidin, and ideain. Proanthocyanidin B2 was also important and four other proanthocyanidins were minor compounds [3]. The 108 varieties of coffee analyzed were clearly differentiated based on their caffeine content which is significantly correlated with chlorogenic acids. Arabica varieties present low caffeine. Sucrose, trigonelline, caffeine, and eight chlorogenic acids were detected and quantified based on the RF values of the standards and by matching their UV spectra with those of the samples [3]. Principal component analysis (PCA) of the coffee varieties shows that 73.2% of the total variation is explained by axis 1 and 2. C. arabica are characterized by low alkaloids and CGAs contents and are mostly located on the left side of axis 1, while C. canephora characterized with high alkaloids and CGAs contents are located on the right side of axis 1.C. arabica with < 11 mg/g of caffeine are on the far left end of axis 2 and C. canephora with > 18 mg/g of caffeine are on the far right end of axis 2. Further results and details are available at [3].

  • HPTLC chromatograms of different cocoa varieties


    HPTLC chromatograms of different cocoa varieties (20 tracks, top: UV 254 nm prior to derivatization, middle: white light prior to derivatization, bottom: white light after derivatization with anisaldehyde reagent for polyphenols: (–)-epicatechin: EC and (–)-catechin: GC, and proanthocyanidins: PA, A2, C1, B1, B2 [3]

  • HPTLC chromatograms of different Arabica coffee varieties


    HPTLC chromatograms of different Arabica coffee varieties (20 tracks, top: UV 254 nm prior to derivatization, middle: UV 366 nm prior to derivatization, bottom: white light after derivatization with ADPA reagent.

  • Densitogram of a coffee sample measured at 330 nm prior to derivatization


    Densitogram of a coffee sample measured at 330 nm prior to derivatization (with increasing RF values chlorogenic acid (CGA), neo-chlorogenic acid (NCGA or 5-O-caffeoylquinic acid), 4,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid (4,5-di), 3,4-dicaffeoylquinic acid (3,4-di), 3,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid (3,5-di), and three unknown caffeoylquinic acids labelled as CQA (1), CQA (2), CQA (3).

  • Overlay of UV spectra of CGA standard and samples


    Overlay of UV spectra of CGA standard and samples (recorded from 200–550 nm) to determine the optimum wavelength for scanning densitometry (λmax at 330 nm)

  • PCA of 108 accessions of Coffee arabica (A), C. arabusta (B), C. canephora (C), and hybrids of C. canephora and C. congensis (H).


    PCA of 108 accessions of Coffee arabica (A), C. arabusta (B), C. canephora (C), and hybrids of C. canephora and C. congensis (H). The Arabica varieties (A) are differentiated from Canephora (robusta) varieties by their low chlorogenic acids contents (left of axis 1).


HPTLC is a cost-efficient technique when applied to both qualitative and quantitative assessment of chemical constituents in green cocoa and coffee beans. Compared to other chromatographic techniques, HPTLC presents the outcome as an image of the separated non-volatile compounds on a single plate, detected by UV light. This visible outcome and the simplicity of the technique could allow breeders to run the chromatographic procedure described in this study on hundreds or thousands of varieties and breeding lines. The analysis time for a plate with 20 tracks is comparatively short (approximately 38–42 minutes) and diverse genotypes can be analyzed side by side on the plate, making HPTLC the method of choice for rapid chemometric evaluation of cocoa and coffee varieties and detection of exceptional individuals.


[1] Laliberté, B. et al. (2012)
[2] Bramel, P. et al. (2017) Strategy_Low_Res.pdf
[3] Lebot, V. et al. Gen Res Crop Evol (2020) 67: 895–911

Further information on request from the authors.

Contact: Dr. Vincent Lebot, UMR AGAP, CIRAD, P.O. Box 946, Port-Vila, Republic of Vanuatu, lebot[at]

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Untargeted Fabry-related Globotriaosylceramide (Gb3) biomarkers in plasma

The research group “Nanosensors and Bioanalytical Systems” consists of researchers from the Spanish National Center for Scientific Research (CSIC, at the Instituto de Carboquímica) and the University of Zaragoza. One of the group’s areas of interest is the use of HPTLC-based techniques for analysis of complex mixtures mostly coming from petroleum conversion, biofuels and lipidomics. In addition to the inherent advantages of HPTLC (flexibility, complete sample detection, etc.), its coupling to any MS instrument through an elution-based interface opens up an unexplored range of analytical possibilities [1].


Fabry disease is a severe genetic disease of lysosomal deposition produced by malfunction of an enzyme (α-galactosidase A), which results in a gradual accumulation of Gb3, among other metabolites, in body fluids.

A number of Gb3-related molecular species in the plasma of Fabry patients were detected at very low concentrations and demonstrated to be biomarkers, using reversed-phase LC coupled to mass spectrometry. HPTLC has generally not been considered as adequate for detailed characterization of a complex sample of lipids. This perception is not correct since currently HPTLC-MS is a methodology to get more information online in less time from complex biological matrices. HPTLC separation reduces mass spectral complexity, which, in turn, allows for a comprehensive examination of samples, even if incompletely resolved separations are obtained.

The objective of this work is to assess whether an HPTLC densitometry-MS approach using the TLC-MS Interface 2 is adequate to determine Fabry biomarkers related to Gb3 in human plasma.

A separation of a plasma extract into sphingolipid classes, followed by densitometry and MS coupling provides a simple but powerful approach for the detailed structural elucidation of sphingolipids present in human plasma, allowing their recognition by their m/z, and confirmation by their collision induced dissociation MS/MS data, and/or APCI fragmentation.

The TLC-MS Interface 2 is suitable for the analysis of sphingolipids and provides a rapid, precise, and targeted characterization of selected bands on the plate. In our approach we use ESI-MS and APCI-MS. Intensities of ESI(+)-MS ions can be related to the concentration of species.

Samples and Standard solutions

Plasma samples from a Fabry’s patient and a healthy control are obtained from the Institute of Health Sciences (Zaragoza, Spain) after approval of the Ethical Committee of Aragon (CEICA, Spain). Informed consent was obtained from the human subjects.

The investigated Gb3 are untargeted species and no standards are available. Solutions of standards of lyso-Gb3, Gb3, lactosylceramide (LacCer), glucosylceramide (GlcCer) which represent the main sphingolipid families are prepared at a final concentration of 0.1 μg/μL each in dichloromethane – methanol 1:1 (v/v).

Sample preparation

Neutral sphingolipid extracts are obtained from plasma using a standard sample preparation procedure which involves centrifugation (10 min at 5000 rpm) to remove precipitated protein, followed by alkaline hydrolysis (75 μL of 2M sodium hydroxide, incubated under magnetic stirring for 2 h at 40 °C), and liquid-liquid (H2O-methanol) extraction. The lower layer containing the neutral sphingolipids is then transferred to a vial and dried under N2. Samples are reconstituted in 250 μL of dichloromethane – methanol 1:1 (v/v).

Chromatogram layer

Two LiChrospher plates (20 x 10 cm, Merck) are used. They are pre-washed with methanol and kept in a desiccator in N2 atmosphere until use.

Sample application

Sample and standard solutions are applied as 4 mm bands on the corresponding plate by using the Automatic TLC Sampler (ATS 4). Each of the plasma samples and standards are applied in triplicate. The distance between tracks is 10.6 mm, distances from the left and lower plate edges are 10 mm. One or more tracks are left empty, as blanks. Between 25.0–30.0 μL of plasma sample extracts and 0.1–10.0 μL of standard solutions are applied on the same plate.


Development is performed on two twin plates using the Automated Multiple Development (AMD 2) system under the conditions in figure 1.

Post-chromatographic derivatization

One of the twin plates is immersed into 0.2g of orcinol in 100 mL of 10%H2SO4 using the Chromatogram Immersion Device (immersion time: 2 s). The plate is heated during 15 min at 100 °C using the TLC Plate Heater 3.


Absorbance measurement is performed with the non-derivatized plate at 190 nm and with the derivatized plate at 550 nm using the TLC Scanner 3.

Mass spectrometry

Selected zones of the non-derivatized plate are eluted with the TLC-MS Interface 2 (oval head) at a flow rate of 0.2 mL/min with methanol into an ion-trap MS with ESI(+) ionization. Gb3 species with m/z between 1000 and 1200 Da are scanned. HPTLC-ESI(+)-MS/MS is used for structure identification. Alternatively, APCI(+) ionization is used for structure confirmation by an analysis of derived fragments with m/z <1000.

Results and discussion

Identification and semi-quantification of 19 untargeted molecular species of globotriaosyl-ceramides (Gb3) in extracts from a Fabry’s plasma patient and a healthy control was performed by HPTLC densitometry-MS. The species found were: five isoforms of saturated Gb3, seven isoforms of methylated Gb3, and seven species with three unsaturations (that of sphingosine plus two additional unsaturations). Twelve of these species were previously reported as biomarkers of Fabry’s lysosomal disorder using a LC-MS-based method, and the other seven are structurally similar, closely related to them [2].

Saturated Gb3 isoforms come from the ESI(+)-MS analysis of the peak at 27.7 mm of Fabry extract (and 27.9 mm in the case of control). This is the migration distance of the Gb3 standard. Ions are mostly detected as sodium adducts. The most preponderant isoform is d18:1;C16:0 (m/z 1046.8 [M+Na]+). Confirmation of identity of this most abundant ion [C52H97NO18Na]+ is done by ESI-MS/MS by loss of a hexose group, giving a product ion at m/z 885.2.

Methylated and three-unsaturated Gb3 species were both found in HPTLC-UV peaks at 14.9 (Fabry) and 14.2 mm (control). They should have a priori corresponded to preponderant sphingomyelin (SM) species. The obtained HPTLC-ESI(+)-MS showed intensities of 105 arbitrary units (a.u.), and high S/N ratio for SM species. However, we found that some Gb3-related species are present in low concentration and can co-migrate together with the above SM species. Intensities for these Gb3 species are 104 a.u. (arbitrary units). The zone between m/z 1000-1300 displays ESI ions that matched with either methylated Gb3-related isoforms as [M+Na]+, or Gb3-related isoforms or analogues with three unsaturations, as [M+H]+. The presence of these structures found by ESI-MS was verified by an analysis of lowmolecular ion fragments obtained using HPTLC-APCI(+)- MS [2]. This experiment was performed in duplicate and similar spectra were obtained in each case.

Ion intensities are related to concentration of Gb3 species for several reasons summarized elsewhere [2]. Saturated Gb3 in Fabry’s plasma were in higher concentration than in control sample in repeated experiments. ESI-MS profiles for methylated and unsaturated Gb3 species were qualitatively similar for Fabry and control samples although relative distribution of ions is different.

  • AMD 2 gradient for plasma extract separation (final migration distance of 90 mm, DCM= dichloromethane,MeOH =methanol)


    AMD 2 gradient for plasma extract separation (final migration distance of 90 mm, DCM = dichloromethane, MeOH = methanol)

  • Fabry’s Gb3-related biomarkers and semi-quantitative ion abundance in Fabry (blue) and control (red) plasma extracts


    Fabry’s Gb3-related biomarkers and semi-quantitative ion abundance in Fabry (blue) and control (red) plasma extracts


HPTLC-MS has been proven to be a simple but powerful approach for the detailed structural elucidation of sphingolipids present in human plasma. The potential of HPTLC-MS for lipidomic research in general has been summarized elsewhere [1].


[1] V.L. Cebolla et al. J Liq Chromatogr & Rel Technol (2021)
[2] C. Jarne et al. J Chromatogr A 1638 (2021) 461895

Further information on request from the authors.

Contact: Dr. Vicente L. Cebolla, Instituto de Carboquímica, CSIC, Miguel Luesma Castán, 4. 50018 Zaragoza, Spain, vcebolla[at]

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Parallel detection of estrogenic and androgenic activity

One research topic at the department of Biochemistry and Ecotoxicology of the German BfG (Federal Institute of Hydrology) is the development and improvement of effect-based methods for the rapid and cost-effective screening of environmental samples. Researchers of the Life Sciences Institute at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem focus on the genetic engineering of whole-cell biosensors, the development of novel bioreporters and the directed evolution process for the improvement of sensor performance. The collaboration between these two working groups is part of the German-Israeli cooperation in the water technology research project „Tracking Effects of Environmental organic micro-pollutants in the Subsurface“ (TREES), aiming at broadening the application of bioassays performed in combination with HPTLC.


Endocrine disrupting compounds that enter the aquatic environment, e.g., via wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents, can affect the natural hormonal activity of freshwater organisms and thus pose a potential ecological threat even at low concentrations [1]. Prominent endocrine disrupting compounds bind to estrogen (ER) and androgen (AR) receptors, and thus trigger estrogenic and androgenic activity. These modes of action are detected with genetically engineered yeast cells, emitting a detectable fluorescence signal upon exposure to compounds exerting hormonal activity.

Following studies performed with Arxula adeninivorans yeast strains [2], the authors show here the parallel biological detection of estrogenicity and androgenicity in HPTLC-separated sample components using newly generated biosensors based on Saccharomyces cerevisiae. These biosensors express human estrogen and androgen receptors, co-transfected with respective reporting elements that produce either the red fluorescent protein mRuby2 in response to an estrogenic stimulus (ER-Ruby) or the blue fluorescent protein mTagBFP2 in response to an androgenic stimulus (AR-BFP).

The advantage of using HPTLC lies in its biocompatibility, which allows the combination of sample fractionation with biological effect detection directly on HPTLC plates. Several samples can be screened for estrogenicity and androgenicity on parallel tracks simultaneously, thus reducing time and effort. Its matrix robustness allows the assessment of samples with complex and heavy matrices such as WWTP influents.

Standard solutions

Stock solutions of testosterone (0.5 mg/mL) and dihydrotestosterone (DHT, 5 mg/mL) are prepared in ethanol as androgenic reference compounds. Estrone (E1), 17ß-estradiol (E2) and estriol (E3) in ethanolic stock solutions of 5 mg/mL serve as estrogenic reference compounds. An androgenic and an estrogenic mixture was prepared and diluted depending on range-finding tests.

Sample preparation

Influent and effluent grab samples of two different municipal WWTP are enriched 200x and 500x by solid-phase extraction, respectively.

Chromatogram layer

HPTLC plates silica gel 60 F254 (Merck), 20 x 10 cm, are used. Plates are pre-developed with 100% methanol to 95 mm, dried in an oven at 120 °C, and then stored in a desiccator at room temperature.

Sample application

The application of samples and standard solutions as bands is performed with the Automatic TLC Sampler (ATS 4): up to 11 tracks, band length 5.0 mm, distance from left edge 20.0 mm, track distance 16.0 mm, distance from lower edge 8.0 mm, application volume 10.0 to 20.0 μL for sample solutions and 5.0 to 10.0 μL for standard solutions.


HPTLC plates are developed in the Automated Multiple Development System (AMD 2). A focusing step is performed with 100% methanol to a migration distance of 20 mm, followed by drying for 2 min. In a second step, the development to a migration distance of 90 mm is conducted with ethyl acetate – n-hexane 1:1 (v/v) followed by drying for 5 min.

Yeast biosensors

For the planar bioassay, a yeast co-culture is prepared by mixing AR-BFP and ER-Ruby yeast cell cultures, previously adjusted separately to 1000 ± 50 formazine attenuation units. Then, 3.0 mL of this yeast co-culture are sprayed onto HPTLC plates using the Derivatizer (nozzle: yellow, level: 5). Plates are incubated at 30 °C for 18 h.


Images are captured in UV 366 nm and white light with the TLC Visualizer.


Fluorescence measurement is performed with TLC Scanner 4 and visionCATS (slit dimension 10.0 x 0.6 mm and scanning speed 20 mm/s). The slit-dimensions reported in Schoenborn et al. (2017) [3] were used for these experiments; however, a further optimization of the slit dimensions under consideration of the signal broadening might improve the results. For detection of estrogenicity (ER-Ruby), excitation wavelength λex = 525 nm and a K540 nm filter is applied. The detection of androgenicity (AR-BFP) is performed using an excitation wavelength λex = 396 nm and a K400 nm filter.

Results and discussion

The aim of the presented study was to generate yeast-based fluorescent biosensors for the parallel detection of estrogenicity and androgenicity. In contrast to yeast-based biosensors using the expression of LacZ as reporting element, which requires the disruption of the cell wall and the addition of an external substrate [3], the presented biosensors allow a fast signal detection in living cells.

The general functionality of the individual yeast biosensors was assessed in 96-well plates and in combination with HPTLC, using either individual reference compounds or their mixtures [4].

Then, the combination of the two yeast biosensors as co-culture was investigated, using three dilutions of an estrogen mix of E1, E2 and E3 and an androgen mix of testosterone and DHT. The estrogen mix was applied on tracks 1–3, the androgen mix on tracks 4–6, and both mixtures were applied on tracks 7–9. Ethanol served as control on track 10. A distinction of the different hormonal activities in the same test can be made by changing the excitation wavelength for scanning. The repeatability was determined by calculating the standard error of minimum three replicates performed on different days, using separate aliquots of the cell suspension.

Dose-effect relationships of the estrogenic and androgenic components in the mixtures were detected. The ER-Ruby biosensor detects only estrogenic compounds (red), even in the presence of androgenic compounds, highlighting the specificity of this biosensor. A slight decrease in the signal intensity at λex = 525 nm was detected, when estrogenic and androgenic model compounds were applied in a mixture. This suggests a weaker expression of the Ruby protein under these conditions.

Regarding the AR-BFP strain, the signal intensity of androgenic compounds (blue) remains unchanged in the presence of estrogenic compounds. However, some interference at the hRF values specific for E1 and E3 is observed in case of high concentrations of the reference compounds. These signals were also detectable when only the ER Ruby biosensor was applied [4]. Possibly, high concentrations of the Ruby protein lead to detectable excitation of Ruby at λex = 396 nm. On the other hand, the used lamps have a low output at 396 nm, which is as well very close to the cut-off filter at 400 nm. In any case, the optical system has to be refined by optimized filters used for the scanning, which might help avoiding this artefact in the future.

An example of the yeast-based biosensor application for a simultaneous screening for androgenicity and estrogenicity using influent samples from a municipal WWTP is shown below. Matrix components are observable below the focusing line and are thus well separated from active compounds. Both influent samples showed estrogenicity and androgenicity. Due to the similar structures and physico-chemical properties of estrogens and androgens, a separation of the two compound classes by HPTLC is challenging [2]. However, the multi-parallel effect assessment in combination with HPTLC allows the detection of the different effects even if the active compounds are not fully separated. In the presented WWTP influents, two strong estrogenic and androgenic signals overlap at hRF values of 75 and 61, indicating the possible presence of E1 (hRF = 76), E2 (hRF = 60) and DHT (hRF = 61). For the androgenic band at hRF = 75, no candidate compound can be assigned. At some positions, signals from the ER-Ruby strain are visible between the tracks. Due to the leakiness of promoters, each reporter strain produces a background signal, which might be detectable especially at positions where cell densities are higher due to an inhomogeneous application of cells. However, an automated spraying device (Derivatizer) was used resulting in an even application of the cells. A further possibility is a signal broadening that can happen when silicaplates are used.

In conclusion, the presented study showed a proof of principle of the parallel detection of estrogenic and androgenic effects using a fluorescent yeast-based biosensor co-culture.

  • Applicability of a yeast co-culture for parallel detection of estrogenicity and androgenicity in model compound mixtures by fluorescence scanning at λex = 396 nm (blue) and λex = 525 nm (red).


    Applicability of a yeast co-culture for parallel detection of estrogenicity and androgenicity in model compound mixtures by fluorescence scanning at λex = 396 nm (blue) and λex = 525 nm (red). Estrogen mix consisting of E1 (0.01 ng, 0.05 ng and 0.1 ng), E2 (0.005 ng, 0.01 ng and 0.02 ng), and E3 (0.5 ng, 1 ng and 2 ng) was applied on tracks 1–3 and 7–9. Androgen mix consisting of testosterone (T; 0.5 ng, 1.0 ng and 5.0 ng) and DHT (0.5 ng, 1.0 ng and 5.0 ng) was applied on tracks 4–6 and 7–9. Reproduced with modifications from [4] ( ).

  • Parallel detection of estrogenicity and androgenicity in wastewater treatment plant influents using a yeast-based biosensor co-culture of ER-Ruby (red, λex = 525 nm) and AR-BFP (blue, λex = 396 nm).


    Parallel detection of estrogenicity and androgenicity in wastewater treatment plant influents using a yeast-based biosensor co-culture of ER-Ruby (red, λex = 525 nm) and AR-BFP (blue, λex = 396 nm). Estrogen mix: E1 (a: 0.1, b: 0.2 and c: 0.4 ng), E2 (0, 20 and 40 pg) and E3 (1, 2 and 4 ng); androgen mix: DHT (a: 10, b: 25 and c: 50 ng) and testosterone (T; a: 10, b: 25 and c: 50 ng). Top: plate image displaying the fluorescent signal enhanced using the enhancement tool of the visionCATS software. Reproduced with modifications from [4] (


[1] A.P.A. Da Silva et al. Aquat. Sci. Technol (2018) 6: 35-51.
[2] A. Chamas et al. Sci. Total Environ. (2017) 605–606:507–513.
[3] A. Schoenborn et al. J Chromatogr A (2017) 1530:185–91.
[4] L. Moscovici et al. Biosensors (2020) 10(11): 169.

Further information on request from the authors.


Carolin Riegraf, Federal Institute of Hydrology, Am Mainzer Tor 1, 56068 Koblenz, Germany. Present address: Swiss Centre for Applied Ecotoxicology, Überlandstrasse 133, 8600 Dübendorf, Switzerland, carolin.riegraf[at]

The authors acknowledge Marina Ohlig and Ramona Pfänder also involved in the TREESproject funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Germany (Grant No. 02WIL1387), and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Space (MOST) Israel (Grant No. WT1402/2560).

mentioned products

The following products were used in this case study

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Use of quantified Reference Extracts for herbal materials

Dr. Daniel Jean is the founder and director of ISV (Institut des Substances Végétales, France), which produces the quantified Reference Extracts (qRE) used in this study. Dr. Ophélie Fadel is the head of the application laboratory of Chromacim (France). Dr. Debora Frommenwiler is scientist at CAMAG (Switzerland), and Dr. René De Vaumas is the CEO of Extrasynthese (France), the distributor of qRE.


Quality control of herbal drugs, extracts and products is a challenging task because it requires proper identification and determination of content of active compounds or markers. Because monographs of the pharmacopoeias typically require independent methods for these tasks, the cost of analysis may be quite high. Reference materials are a major contribution to the cost. Quantified Reference Extracts (qRE) may be considered as suitable reference material in this context, reducing the need for stocking several separate chemical reference substances.

The goal of this work was to elaborate examples for using qRE for identification of plant materials and quantification of markers.

Standard solutions

For ginkgo, 0.2 mg/mL each of rutin and quercetin are prepared in methanol. The qRE Ginkgo biloba leaves is prepared at 30 mg/mL in methanol. For olive leaf, oleuropein is prepared at 1.0 mg/mL in methanol. For rosemary, rosmarinic acid is prepared at 0.25 mg/mL in ethanol, and the qRE Rosmarinus officinalis leaves at 1.0 mg/mL in 50% ethanol.

Sample preparation

1.0 g of powdered ginkgo leaf is mixed with 10 mL of methanol and refluxed in a water bath for 10 minutes. The mixture is centrifuged and the supernatant is used as test solution. The rosemary dried extract is prepared at 1.0 mg/mL in methanol. The qRE Olea europaea leaves (used as a sample) is prepared at 1.0 mg/mL.

Chromatogram layer

HPTLC plates silica gel 60 F254 (Merck), 20 x 10 cm are used.

Sample application

Automatic TLC Sampler (ATS 4), application as bands, 15 tracks, band length 8.0 mm, distance from left edge 20.0 mm, distance from lower edge 8.0 mm. For the ginkgo project, application volume of 3.0 μL for sample solutions and for standard solutions. For olive leave different volumes of the oleuropein standard and 10.0 μL of the qRE were applied. For rosemary, the solution of the qRE was applied with different application volumes, and the rosemary dried extract was applied with 10.0 μL.


In the ADC 2 with 20 min chamber saturation (with saturation pad) and after activation of the plate at 33% relative humidity for 10 min using a saturated solution of magnesium chloride. The developing distance is 70.0 mm (from the lower edge). Plates are dried for 5 min. Ethyl acetate – formic acid – acetic acid – water 100:11:11:26 (v/v) is used as developing solvent.

Post chromatographic derivatization

For rosemary and ginkgo, the plates are heated using the TLC Plate Heater (100 °C, 3 min), then derivatized with NP reagent (1.0 g 2-aminoethyl diphenylborinate in 100 mL methanol) using the Derivatizer (3.0 mL, nozzle: green, level: 4). For olive leaf, the plate is derivatized with anisaldehyde (AS) reagent (0.5 mL of p-anisaldehyde dissolved in


TLC Visualizer in UV 254 nm, UV 366 nm, and white light prior to derivatization, and UV 366 nm, and white light after derivatization.


TLC Scanner 4 and visionCATS, absorbance measurement at 254 nm and 238 nm, slit dimension 5.00 mm x 0.20 mm, scanning speed 50 mm/s, for oleuropein and in fluorescence mode at 366>/400 nm for rosmarinic acid.

Results and discussion

The first part of the project demonstrates the suitability of the ginkgo quantified Reference Extract as a standard for identification. The fingerprint of the qRE was compared to a reference sample of powdered ginkgo leaf extracted with methanol (track 3) or with 50% ethanol (track 4), respectively, and a market sample of ginkgo leaf dried extract (track 5). The fingerprint of the qRE resembles those of the corresponding herbal drugs and dried extract.

The second part of the study concerned the verification of the assigned content of oleuropein and rosmarinic acid in their respective qRE by HPTLC. Assigned contents, given in the qRE’s certificate of analysis, were initially determined by HPLC. Chemical reference substances were used for quantification, and different detection modes were compared. Comparable contents were found for both markers.

The third part of the study used one qRE and its assigned content of rosmarinic acid as reference for the quantification of rosmarinic acid in a rosemary dried extract. A solution of the qRE was applied with different application volumes to give a linear calibration curve. The content of rosmarinic acid in the sample was determined at 6.3%.

  • Fingerprints of ginkgo leaf


    Fingerprints of ginkgo leaf in UV 254 nm (A) and UV 366 nm (B) prior to derivatization, and in UV 366 nm after derivatization (C). Track 1: rutin, quercetin (with increasing RF); 2: qRE extract; 3–4: powdered leaf; 5: dry extract.

  • Quantification of oleuropein and rosmarinic acid in the qRE extracts


    Quantification of oleuropein and rosmarinic acid in the qRE extracts

  • Fingerprints of the qRE calibration curve and the sample. Image in UV 366 nm


    Fingerprints of the qRE calibration curve and the sample. Image in UV 366 nm

  • Fingerprints of the qRE calibration curve and the sample. Calibration curve


    Fingerprints of the qRE calibration curve and the sample. Calibration curve


These examples show that qRE work well for the identification of plant materials and quantification of markers by HPTLC. For use in quality control, methods may need to be adapted from pharmacopoeia monographs.

Further information on request from the authors.


Dr.Ophélie Fadel, of[at]
Dr. Debora Frommenwiler, debora.frommenwiler[at]
Dr. Daniel Jean, daniel.jean[at]
Dr. René De Vaumas, rdv[at]

mentioned products

The following products were used in this case study

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