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Publications on HPTLC

Discover our extensive library of publications on HPTLC, designed to support researchers, analysts, and scientists in expanding their understanding of High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography. This curated collection includes scientific papers, case studies, and application notes, covering a wide range of industries such as pharmaceuticals, food safety, cosmetics, environmental science, and herbal drug analysis.

Latest from CBS Articles

HPTLC for quality differentiation of functional mushrooms

Unlock precise mushroom identification with HPTLC – a powerful, selective method that separates key compounds for accurate species differentiation. With its specificity, versatility, and ability to spot adulteration, HPTLC sets a new standard in mushroom analysis.
Coleton Windsor (Nammex)
CBS ArticlesNovember 6, 2024

HPTLC for quality differentiation of functional mushrooms

Unlock precise mushroom identification with HPTLC – a powerful, selective method that separates key compounds for accurate species differentiation. With its specificity, versatility, and ability to spot adulteration, HPTLC sets a new standard in mushroom analysis.
CBS ArticlesNovember 6, 2024

Developing HPTLC identification methods for pharmacopoeia monographs

HPTLC is the go-to method for identifying herbal drugs, creating unique chromatographic "fingerprints" based on zone position, color, and intensity. Compliant with Ph. Eur. standards, it ensures precise, reproducible results for reliable herbal analysis.
CBS ArticlesNovember 6, 2024

Oil adulteration evaluation using HPTLC

HPTLC stands out as the ideal solution for oil quality monitoring, offering rapid, user-friendly analysis with low solvent use and simultaneous multi-sample testing. Its adaptability and reproducibility make it perfect for industrial applications.
CBS ArticlesNovember 6, 2024

HPTLC fingerprint profiling for determination of bioactive ingredients in Indian propolis

Discover a breakthrough in identifying Indian propolis types with a fast, eco-friendly, and cost-effective method using HPTLC technology. This innovative approach not only standardizes key neuroprotective components but also enables direct screening of antioxidant and anticholinesterase activities on a single TLC plate. Ideal for rapid chemical profiling, this method holds promise for advancing propolis research and offers beekeepers new revenue opportunities by showcasing its medicinal value.
gas mask
CBS ArticlesMay 14, 2024

Detection and identification of chemical warfare agents using HPTLC

Chemical warfare agents, categorized by their symptoms, range from nerve disruptors to blistering and irritant agents, posing serious health risks. HPTLC is essential for identifying these agents, enhancing detection and analysis capabilities in military and law enforcement contexts.
hptlc pro development chamber
CBS ArticlesMay 14, 2024

Gas phase control in the HPTLC PRO Module DEVELOPMENT

This study utilized the HPTLC PRO Module DEVELOPMENT Module to precisely control the gas phase, aiming to achieve accurate separations in complex matrices and match standard RF values closely.
CBS ArticlesMay 14, 2024

Comparative HPTLC fingerprinting of saffron samples for quality evaluation

Due to its significant value, saffron is frequently adulterated with lower-quality substances or artificial colorants. HPTLC allows for efficient and cost-effective detection of adulterants and contaminants, enabling the simultaneous analysis of multiple samples.
CBS ArticlesMay 14, 2024

Application of Design of Experiments (DoE) on robustness studies and method evaluation of an HPTLC method for Arnica flower

This study delves into the utilization of software-driven Design of Experiments (DoE) for conducting robustness studies and evaluating methods, with a focus on the European Pharmacopoeia HPTLC method for identifying Arnica flowers (monograph 1391, Ph. Eur. 11.0) as a prime illustration.
CBS ArticlesNovember 30, 2023

Discrimination of Monteverdia ilicifolia leaf from its adulterants by HPTLC PRO

Monteverdia ilicifolia is popular for treating gastritis and gastric ulcers in Paraná State, Brazil. An HPTLC PRO method has been developed to analyze commercial samples based on the fingerprint of flavonoids and phenolic acids.
CBS ArticlesNovember 7, 2023

HPTLC fingerprinting for quality assessment of Ashwagandha formulations

Ashwagandha is a versatile herb with deep roots in traditional and modern herbal medicine. HPTLC efficiently distinguishes pure Ashwagandha from adulterants, ensuring authenticity, purity, and quality.

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