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Product Release Information visionCATS 2.0 SP2

July 14, 2015

Release Number: 2.0.15169.1 (2.0 SP2)
Release Date: 06/07/2015
Customer Support: For more information or support, please visit our website or email us at


This document contains the release notes for visionCATS version 2.0 SP2. The following sections describe the release in detail and provide late-breaking or other information that supplements the main documentation.

Installation and Upgrade Notes


See the installation instructions for full details.

IMPORTANT: You must completely uninstall any previous “developer release” or “early access” version of this product before installing this release.


This release consists of the following items:

Release notes (this file)
Instrument Firmware
visionCATS installer
Example Files (you may import them after installation)

Minimum System Requirements

System Memory: 4000MB
Free Disk Space: 100GB
Operating System: Windows 7
Networking: Internet access

What’s new in visionCATS 2.0?

  • Integration of the TLC Scanner 3 and TLC Scanner 4 instruments
  • Support of multiple quantitative evaluations with the scanner instrument
  • Support of multiple image based evaluations with the visualizer
  • 21CFR11 compliance
  • Import of winCATS data in a viewing mode
  • Support of multiple application steps
  • Possibility to define report templates
  • Supports electronic signatures
  • SST extended to scanner data
  • Online help

What’s new in visionCATS 2.0 SP2?

  • Corrected backup to include scans, wincats analysis and method collection entries, and corrected rights issue with backup to folder
  • Corrected report generation when evaluation’s smoothing, baseline or peak detection is disabled
  • Included area information in export peak, and removed condition to have the “Data Export” option in order to perform an export
  • Display a correct message when importing a corrupted license key
  • Scanner OQ Monochromator test: Text Bandwith -> Bandwidth; New calculation for 20nm Bandwidth
  • Linomat 5 no longer skips tracks
  • Correction in 1.3-1.4 migration
  • Scanner OQ crash when scanner OQ completed, or when positioning test is started a 2nd time
  • winCATS import: corrected several bugs
  • Data view: Corrected an error when track sequencer goes outside of the image

Known Problems and Workarounds

Defect: winCATS import will remove any DigiStore, Reportstar or spectrum steps, without any error messages
Reason: DigiStore and Reportstar aren’t supported by visionCATS, and version 2.0 also doesn’t have spectrum support
Workaround: For documentation steps, add a Visualizer, for methods with spectrum, import them in visionCATS 2.1

Defect: The display in visionCATS of the version of the scanner firmware is incorrect
Reason: there is a conversion problem between hex and dec coding. 1.14.30 corresponds to 1.20.48

Defect: After changing of Visualizer, a Visualizer cannot be executed in an analysis having already images
Reason: Only one Visualizer can be used in an analysis
Workaround: Redo the analysis

Defect: After changing of camera for a Visualizer, already opened analysis with Visualizer step waiting for execution, or Visualizer Manual control or OQ may behave strangely (using old camera, bad image corrections…)
Workaround: Before changing of camera, close all analysis with next step as Visualizer and Visualizer view

Defect: After changing of camera for a Visualizer, Visualizer in toolbox isn’t marked as having a bad Diagnostic
Workaround: Restart the client

Defect: While using two visualizers on a single PC, one or both camera aren’t detected, or the camera of one visualizer seems to be connected to the other.
Workaround: We strongly suggest using only one Visualizer per Instrument Service

Defect: No image appears in Data or in Comparison after installing for the first time visionCATS on the machine
Workaround: Restart Windows

Defect: Sequence table don’t allow to drag and drop a multi-selection
Workaround: Before clicking for drag and during the drag, hold SHIFT key for dragging a multi-selection

Defect: Applications crashes after clicking on an image or opening a comparison
Workaround: Update your graphic driver to the latest version

Defect: After installation, no visionCATS is installed. Also, the SQLServer service may not want to start.
Workaround: Change the name of the user which install the application, username should be different from machine and domain name

Defect: Instrument aren’t responding correctly
Workaround: Check if you have an Intel(R) Active Management Technology – SOL COM port on your machine, and disable the corresponding COM port in visionCATS/General Settings

Defect: visionCATS display “Out of memory” with only around 1.2GB of 4GB memory used by visionCATS, on a 32bits system
Workaround: increase the applications memory space with ‘bcdedit /set increaseuserva 3072’ command, and restart Windows

Defect: An error occur while importing a visionCATS 2.0 analysis with evaluation
Reason: The evaluation improvement of SP1 has changed some data type, migration is only done on system update, not on import
Workaround: export again the analysis from a visionCATS 2.0 SP1 system

Defect: visionCATS fails in Scanner/Scanner3 Diagnostics if the Positioning-Test is started  in the same session. 
Reason: Scanner data of the new test cannot be stored for later processing. This does not invalidate the test results of the previous run.
Workaround: Close the current Scanner Instrument Tab and reopen it. Attention: just switching between the Tabs inside the Instrument Tab will not prevent from the failure. You need to close the Instrument Tab.

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