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Introduction of the TLC Visualizer 3 and release of visionCATS 3.2 SP1

March 7, 2023

We are pleased to announce the launch of the TLC Visualizer 3. The latest generation of CAMAG’s imaging and documentation system for white light and UV fluorescence detection features an enhanced industrial camera of the newest generation equipped with a high-performance CMOS sensor for highly sensitive acquisition of premium-quality images and provides superior performance in white light, long-wave UV (366 nm) and short-wave UV (254 nm) illumination with maximum homogeneity.

At the same time the newest software version visionCATS 3.2 SP1 which is prerequisite to run the TLC Visualizer 3 is available for download.

Hard copies of the product brochure “CAMAG® TLC Visualizer 3” will become available in the coming days (Item ID 996.2099) and can be preordered already now.

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