The International Association for the Advancement of HPTLC
The HPTLC Association was founded in 2012 as a private, non-commercial and non-profit organization according to Swiss Law. The Association’s goal is to promote the use of HPTLC in plant analysis and other analytical fields.
In May 2018 the Association elected a new Board of Directors:
- President: Eike Reich, Ph.D. (CH)
- Chair Method Review Committee: Maged H.M. Sharaf, Ph.D. (US)
- Chair Advisory Board: Prof. Salvador Cañigueral, Ph.D. (ES)
- Chair HPTLC-Symposium: Mr. Pierre Bernard-Savary (FR)
- Australian Chapter: Mr. Tom Sostaric (AU)
- Treasurer: Mr. Marcel Hug (CH)
- Honorary President: Prof. Beat Meier, Ph.D. (CH)
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