New CAMAG TLC-MS Interface 2: Identification and confirmation of substances in research and routine analysis by hyphenation of HPTLC with MS
Since its introduction in 2009, our groundbreaking concept of hyphenating planar chromatography with mass spectrometry has been used worldwide by hundreds of analytical groups. With the versatile TLC-MS Interface mass spectra from eluted zones can be recorded in minute cycles with any MS-brand.
Prof. Dr. Goetz Schlotterbeck and his team from the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) have performed intensive testing on the newly launched TLC-MS Interface 2 for several weeks and are thrilled by its performance. Other clients who have had the chance to extensively test the second instrument generation are also highly satisfied with the results achieved. Try and see how fast and easy you can elute substance zones from TLC/HPTLC plates for MS detection using the new TLC-MS Interface 2!
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