The HPTLC Method Library: A visionCATS feature supporting your herbal drug and food analyses. Cannabis analysis is a new example.
As reported in the CAMAGflash August 2015, USP had published the latest version of the Dietary Supplement Compendium (DSC). For HPTLC users worldwide this was a milestone since heretofore unpublished information essential to many HPTLC users was outlined in two general chapters ‹203› and ‹1064›. These chapters clarified and sanctioned the technique and defined and explained the parameters required to run standardized HPTLC.
CAMAG’s software visionCATS provides a Method Library with procedures that are in full compliance with chapter ‹203›. All methods that have been added to the DSC are in the library. Other inclusions are methods of identification from the European Pharmacopoeia and the HPTLC Association. Methods developed by CAMAG are in the library as well. Further methods will be added as they become available.
To read the complete CAMAGflash, please download the PDF below.