The Cumulative CAMAG Bibliography Service (CCBS)
The most comprehensive compilation of literature in the field of Planar Chromatography (TLC/HPTLC) is the Cumulative CAMAG Bibliography Service (CCBS). It covers more than 11’000 abstracts of TLC/HPTLC publications between 1982 and today. Providing reports was established by Dr. Dieter Jänchen in 1965. In the beginning, it only existed in printed form and since 2004 as an electronic database. The literature abstracts are collected by a qualified group of international referees and reviewed by Valeria Maire-Widmer (CAMAG) and our CBS-Editor Prof. Dr. Gerda Morlock. The database is updated twice a year and can be used free-of-charge. Just create your CAMAG account and test it!
To read the complete CAMAGflash, please download the PDF below.