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Benefits of

High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) offers numerous benefits for precise and efficient analysis. As a cost-effective solution, HPTLC ensures reliability, minimizes solvent use, and eliminates cross-contamination.

camag detection

The visual aspect of HPTLC enables the evaluation and subsequent processing of individual substances separated on the plate. It is the preferred method for analyzing substances in complex matrices, such as plant materials, lipid samples, or samples with high sugar content. The HPTLC fingerprint visually confirms or rejects sample identity. This highly flexible analytical technique allows for the adaptation of methods to meet specific needs at each stage of the process.

HPTLC Reproducible analysis

Quantitative analysis of analytes can be accomplished using hyperspectral data or densitograms. The image profiles from an HPTLC fingerprint offer semi-quantitative insights into a sample by evaluating the intensity of the bands. Modern HPTLC is an advanced analytical technique that incorporates sophisticated instrumentation, standardized protocols, and validated methods. This enables users to consistently obtain reproducible results within a cGxP-compliant environment.

HPTLC Multiple detection

Another advantage of HPTLC is the ability to apply multiple detection methods on the same sample and plate, including UV, VIS, fluorescence, hyperspectral, derivatization, or effect-directed analysis. Unlike other chromatographic techniques, the separated analytes remain on the plate after separation.

HPTLC Analysis of multiple samples

HPTLC enables parallel analysis with minimal sample preparation, allowing at least 15 samples to be developed and analyzed simultaneously under identical conditions. It offers high efficiency through short run times, low solvent use per sample, and eliminates cross-contamination by using single-use plates.

HPTLC Mass Spectrometry

HPTLC-MS provides a powerful detection option, enabling structural confirmation of targeted analytes. By coupling HPTLC with high-resolution MS, it also facilitates structure elucidation.

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