Customer Magazine
1965 -> today
Welcome to the CAMAG Bibliography Service (CBS), your premier source for the latest advancements in High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography. Each CBS magazine provides valuable insights into recent applications, case studies, and scientific research, covering a wide array of application fields.
CBS 133
Ensuring quality and authenticity in mushroom supplements
Featured applications:
- Developing HPTLC methods for pharmacopoeia monographs
- Oil adulteration evaluation using HPTLC
- HPTLC profiling for bioactive ingredients in Indian propolis
Archived Issues of the CBS Magazine
CBS 132.
Detection and identification of chemical warfare agents using HPTLC

Featured applications:
- Comparative HPTLC fingerprinting of saffron samples
- Implementation of Design of Experiments (DoE) software in method evaluation
- Gas phase control in the HPTLC PRO Module DEVELOPMENT
CBS 131.
Detection of paraffin oil in milk by HPTLC PRO

Featured applications:
- Inositol phosphate analysis by HPTLC
- HPTLC method for the identification of tributyrin in ButyraGen™
- Discrimination of Monteverdia ilicifolia leaf from its adulterants by HPTLC PRO
- HPTLC fingerprinting for quality assessment of Ashwagandha formulations
CBS 130.
Use of machine learning to predict the RF values

Featured applications:
- Extractable and leachable studies of pharmaceutical products packed in plastics
- Detection and quantification of 5-hydroxy-methylfurfural in honey
- Stability testing of dihydroartemisinin
- HPTLC-based fingerprinting of fructooligosaccharides
CBS 129.
Complementary Developing Solvents (CDS) – A new concept for routine analysis

Featured procedures and applications
- HPTLC routine analysis using complementary developing solvents
- Use of TLC, HPTLC, and HPTLC-MS during production and purification processes of active ingredients and their impurities
- Development and validation of an HPTLC-DPPH assay method for the acteoside content of Ribwort ipowder®
- HPTLC – a useful tool for the characterization of enzymes from plant lipid metabolism
CBS 128.
Ensuring product safety and quality with HPTLC

Featured procedures and applications
- Quantification of methylglyoxal in Manuka honey
- Screening for chlorinated paraffins in vegetable oils
- Quantification of glucose degradation products
- The HPTLC Association Substance Database
- HPTLC detection of falsification in drugs
CBS 127.
High-throughput analysis of aroma precursors in cocoa and coffee

Featured procedures and applications
- High-throughput analysis of aroma precursors in cocoa and coffee
- Fabry-related biomarkers in human plasma
- Parallel detection of estrogenic and androgenic activity
- Use of quantified Reference Extracts for herbal materials
CBS 126.
Special issue – Analysis of honey by HPTLC

Featured procedures and applications
- Analysis of honey by HPTLC
- Universal HPTLC Mix: the rise of a novel concept for system suitability test
- Fast analysis of sugars in honey by using the HPTLC PRO System
CBS 125.
Characterization of E472 food emulsifiers by HPTLC fingerprints

Featured procedures and applications
- Characterization of E472 food emulsifiers by HPTLC fingerprints
- HPTLC fingerprinting of herbal drugs used in gemmotherapy
- Evolution of plant defense compounds in the plant-litter continuum
- Screening for natural cosmetic preservatives by HPTLC-EDA
- Comparison of yeast estrogen screening on HPTLC and in microtiter plates
CBS 124.
CAMAG® HPTLC PRO – the future of HPTLC

Procedures, applications
- Screening of weight loss products for synthetic drugs
- Analysis of neonicotinoids in honey
- Effect-directed analysis with HPTLC
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