Our customers

superior separation efficiency
Thin-Layer Chromatography
Visual Evaluation and Flexible Use
Reproducible Analysis and Reliable Quantification
Multiple Detection of Separated Analytes
Parallel Analysis of Multiple Samples without Cross-Contamination
HPTLC is a versatile and cost-effective analytical technique used for research and routine quality control, capable of analyzing diverse analytes directly from complex matrices.
Beyond traditional applications, HPTLC is valuable in lipidomics, metabolomics, and medical research due to its flexibility. CAMAG’s HPTLC systems enable precise qualitative and quantitative analysis of non-volatile analytes from various sample types.
HPTLC allows for rapid comparison of multiple samples, checking for adulteration, monitoring purity and stability, and identifying and quantifying active ingredients.

Matching Application Notes
Biological activity of berberine containing drugs by HPTLC-Bioluminescence screening
Elevate your chromatography experience
Enjoy faster, more accurate analyses, reduced costs, and improved results. We are here to make it happen.