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Forensic Analysis
with CAMAG’s HPTLC Systems

Complete systems quantitative analyses high sample
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superior separation efficiency

High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography

  • High Sensitivity and Accuracy
  • Simultaneous Multi-Sample Analysis
  • Non-Destructive Analysis
  • Regulatory Compliance

In forensic science, precision and reliability are paramount. HPTLC plays a crucial role in forensic investigations, providing a fast, accurate, and reproducible method for analyzing complex samples. The applications in forensic analysis using HPTLC extend from screening for illicit drugs to dyestuff analysis and the identification of toxic substances.

HPTLC’s ability to visualize multiple samples in parallel significantly enhances sample throughput, making it an invaluable asset in forensic laboratories. Additionally, HPTLC is an ideal tool for the comprehensive analysis of cannabinoids in hemp products, offering fast and cost-effective solutions for quality control, potency testing, and the detection of contaminants.



Efficient Identification of Falsified Products

HPTLC facilitates efficient substance identification and visual fingerprint identification to detect falsified products. Spectra from illicit substances can be compared to unknown substances in falsified products to confirm their presence. HPTLC-MS as an additional method can confirm the identity of the illicit substance.

Complementing Techniques for Purity Assurance

Normal-phase HPTLC is an excellent complementary technique to RP-18 HPLC, especially for quality control purposes. HPTLC plates can reveal impurities that might not be detected by HPLC, thus providing a more comprehensive purity assessment. Our case study on the chemical synthesis of ergoline psychedelics demonstrates HPTLC’s effectiveness in process monitoring and purity analysis of finished products.

Forensic Drug Control

CAMAG’s HPTLC systems are designed to meet the expert’s needs for successful analysis of various types of illicit drugs in different matrices. Forensic drug control covers diverse challenges, from assessing chemical purity to identifying illicit drugs. While LC-MS and GC-MS are commonly used, HPTLC provides faster and reliable results in many cases.

Analysis of Explosives based on Chemical Residues

HPTLC is used to analyze chemical residues from explosives, accelerants, and other hazardous substances at crime scenes. This method allows investigators to identify the specific chemicals involved, helping to establish the cause of an explosion or arson.

Document Forgery

In cases of document forgery, HPTLC can be employed to analyze inks. By separating the chemical composition of inks, HPTLC can distinguish between different inks used in a document, aiding in the detection of alterations, forgeries, or counterfeit documents.

Dyestuff Analysis

The analysis of food colorants is a critical aspect of food safety and quality control. Whether natural or synthetic, color additives must meet strict regulatory standards, and HPTLC provides a reliable solution for ensuring compliance.

Detection of Chemical Warfare

Chemical warfare agents, whether solid, liquid, or gas, can harm humans, animals, or plants even in small amounts. Given their potential use in warfare and terrorism, CAMAG has developed HPTLC methods to identify and detect nerve agents, blister agents, irritants, and arsenic-based agents. HPTLC instruments reduce direct contact with toxic samples, enhancing analyst safety during the detection process.

Cannabis Analysis

HPTLC is an essential tool in the cannabis industry, providing fast, reliable, and cost-effective analysis for cannabinoid profiling, terpene analysis, and contaminant detection. Its versatility and precision help manufacturers and testing labs ensure the quality, safety, and compliance of cannabis products, meeting the growing demands of the industry and regulatory bodies.

Shooting Distance Determination

For shooting distance determination, burned powder particles can be imprinted on filter paper and detected by spraying reagents. The Derivatizer, compared to manual spraying, delivers user-independent, higher-resolution images and improved health protection, and provides more consistent, reproducible results, making it a preferred tool for shooting distance determination.

complete systems

Equip Your Laboratory for Forensic Excellence

By integrating CAMAG’s HPTLC instruments and analytical software into your laboratory, you empower your forensic analysis capabilities. Our systems are designed to meet the intricate needs of forensic experts, ensuring successful analysis across a broad spectrum of forensic applications.

Matching Application Notes

Identification and quantification of nerve agents RVX, VX, GD, GA, GF and GB by HPTLC, and methodology for a large-scale untargeted screening
Identification and quantification of blistering agents and irritants HD, TTA, CS, CN, CA and CB by HPTLC
Identification and quantification of arsenics agents L, DA and DM by HPTLC

Elevate your chromatography experience

Enjoy faster, more accurate analyses, reduced costs, and improved results. We are here to make it happen.